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Summarize An Atlas of Upward Mobility Shows Paths Out of Poverty

Essay Instructions:


For the article you must submit a 1-2 page summary/analysis of the article, the correct font is the following:

1) The Article Summary must be Typed double space. (APA Format)

2) One inch margins all around the page.

3) Font 12, Times New Roman or Arial ONLY.

4) Every article must have a Cover Page and a References page as requested in APA

5) Write it ALL in your OWN words, DO NOT COPY / PASTE anything, your grade will be severely penalized if you do so.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Article Summary
Article Summary
‘Moving to Opportunity’ is an anti-poverty experiment created by the Congress twenty years ago due to riots in Los Angeles. Its main goal was helping the less fortunate families gain access to better neighborhoods by giving out vouchers on a random basis to facilitate research. The research results were disappointing as there was no increment in earnings for voucher beneficiaries in later years. Education never seemed to get better for the children in school either. Due to the program failure, poverty seemed unmanageable. However, the findings of experiment is bound to be overturned by another new study.
Children being raised up in some places end up with more earnings than they would if they grew up in a different place. The new study used earning records of families that accommodated chilred to come to the conclusion that poor children growing up in some towns and cities have vetter chances of escaping poverty compared to those growing up in other places. The new data explains the recent Baltimore protests on poverty trap. Chances of escaping poverty are minimal in the city of Baltimore, with boys facing more hardship. Low-income boys who were born in the city but moved out to other cities make about 25% more than their counterparts who remain the city. So far, the study presents a more detailed portrait of upward mobility alongside its absence. The findings also reveal geographical mobility being key in defining the poor kids that manage to achieve the purported American dream.
From the study, it is evident that something can be done about upward mobility, with every childhood being spent in a much better neighborhood appearing to matter. Some of the places with low chances of escaping poverty include Chicago, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, the Bronx, Orlando among others. With reference to the findings' suggestions, race plays a big role in influencing upward mobility since most of these areas are largely made up of African-Americans. The low-income kid...
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