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Statistics Worksheet: Data Gathering and the Variables Used

Essay Instructions:

In this course you will conduct a mini study. You will survey 50 people through any method you choose to find out information on your topic. You will then calculate the statistics for your data. It is important to remember your mini study should use quantitative values since this is a statistics course so you can complete the required calculations. When you pick a topic, make sure it is something people are comfortable answering and that you only use adults. Complete this worksheet and then begin your survey once it is graded so that you can write up your results in Module 7.

Item Description

1 State your topic

2 Who is the population for your claim? Justify your statement.

3 What question(s) will you ask in your survey to gather data on your claim? Explain the rationale for each question.

4 What variables will be in your study? What type of variable are they (ordinal, nominal, discrete, continuous, etc)?

5 Where will you post your survey and how will it reach your target population? (Facebook, email, in person, etc)

6 How will you collect your data? (Survey Monkey, Facebook Question, By hand/Excel, etc)

7 What type of sampling method will you use? Justify your choice and cite a reference supporting your decision.

8 What 2 types of graphs that you have learned about are the most appropriate for your data? Justify your statement and cite a reference supporting your decision.

*Hint: think about if your data may have outliers, is quantitative, is categorical vs interval, etc.

9 What 8 descriptive statistics that you have learned about are the most appropriate for your data? Justify your statement and cite a reference supporting your decision. *Hint: think about if the data has outliers, is quantitative, is categorical vs interval, etc. *Note: if you have more than one survey question you can count statistics on EACH*

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Statistics Worksheet Part-1 and Mini Study
Name Course Instructor Date
1 State your topic Does age influence how much people spend on organic food?
2 Who is the population for your claim? Justify your statement.
Bieschke (2015) points out that roughly 84% of Americans now purchase organic food and other estimates highlight that roughly 80%. There has been expansion and new trends in the global food market with the growth in the organic food market. Organic products relate to the foods that are obtained without using chemical fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides in all stages of their production and in the soils where there are cultivated. In the past, the consumption of organic products was associated with those who are well informed on organic foods, sustainable agriculture and those in higher socioeconomic status. There is no longer the case of organic foods being in an exclusive category where there is now improved access to these products. Currently, consumers are increasingly informed about the nutritional value and sustainable agriculture.
3 What question(s) will you ask in your survey to gather data on your claim? Explain the rationale for each question.
* How much do you spend on organic food on a weekly, monthly or yearly basis?
* How old are you?
* How many people live in the household what is your monthly income range
* Do you identify as male, female or other?
4 What variables will be in your study? What type of variable are they (ordinal, nominal, discrete, continuous, etc)? Age and consumer expenditure on organic foods are scale level of measurements with income an interval variable and age being an interval and ratio variable unlike gender, which is a nominal. Interval variables can be ordered and the intervals are equally spaced. Ratio variables can be sorted, have equal intervals, but there is a true zero value. 5 Where will you post your survey and how will it reach your target population? (Facebook, email, in person, etc) I will post in an email and assure the respondents of privacy and confidentiality. People seek to keep their anonymity and do not just reveal what they make and spend to anyone. Even if there may be a low response rate when using email no private information that can easily identify them is used...
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