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Mathematics & Economics
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Mathematics Autobiography: A Mathematical Journey

Essay Instructions:

Write a mathematics autobiography focusing on key mathematical moments that you have experienced either as a student or a teacher of mathematics. Why do these math moments stand out? What is it about these math moments that continue to resonate, that continue to give you either joy or discomfort? What role did your parents, teachers, siblings, and friends play in shaping your current disposition about mathematics and your mathematical achievements? In your paper address, what “mathematics” means to you and discuss your level of confidence both as a student and as a teacher of mathematics.

The autobiography should be typed, two to three pages, double-spaced.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

“A Mathematical Journey: My Experiences”
Scholar name
Institution of Study
Course: Unit name and Code
Date of Submission
“A Mathematical Journey: My Experiences”
Mathematics has been part and parcel of me all my life, quite literally. I have so many memories and instanes where mathematics has come in to either help or complement a situation. As a child, I was always fascinated by numbers and patterns. I remember spending hours trying to figure out how to solve math problems and puzzles. My parents were engineers and instilled in me a love for math from a young age. Our house was basically filled with so man things that simply spoke ‘mathematics.’ They would often give me math problems to solve, always encourage me to think outside the box, and never give up when faced with a challenging situation.
My dad always liked asking me some quick quizzes that called for me to use my mind rathr than having to write down to solve, such as simple additions or multiplications using the factor of 2 and 7. My siblings also played a significant role in shaping my love for math. They were always willing to help me with my homework and often played math games. We woulc always play cards while assigning certain numbers to each card, so whoever won or lost did so by the values on these cards. It was always so fun and made addition and subtraction to be so enjoyable. One of the best ways to be excellent in mathematics is by having a support system that also loves mathematics. In this manner, whenever there was any difficulty, the support system cn come in handly. They were my first teachers in math, and I always felt I could rely on their help whenever I needed it (Divyansh, 2021). They were the reason I always felt confident and optimistic when it came to math.
One of the critical mathematical moments that stood out was when I was in the third grade. My teacher gave us a problem to solve that involved division of improper fractions and decimals, using whole units such as nimals , people and houses. I remember struggling with the situation for what felt like hours, and finally, after a lot of trial and error, I solved it. This moment was significant for me because it was the first time I realized that math was not just about memorizing formulas and rules but also about problem-solving and critical thinking (Miller, 2021). I learnt that sometimes, mathematics is not alays about calculations and the results thereafter, it is also about the relevance and practicality of the results. For example, there can never be one and a half goats or three and a quarter people. Logical thinkin...
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