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Globalization in Terms of Consumer Goods Trade According to Tim Harford and Paul Collier

Essay Instructions:

For the following questions please read “Beer, Fries, and Globalization” by Tim Harford (this is Ch. 9 of his book The Undercover Economist). 1. In this chapter this author describes globalization in terms of trade in consumer goods – Starbucks in Shanghai, etc. But, does he feel that life will really become “homogenized” around the world? (9 points) 2. This author describes comparative advantage in terms of authoring books by himself and the famed Harvard biologist E. O. Wilson. Is this description consistent with how we described comparative advantage? (9 points) 3. According to this author, can all of a country’s production be eliminated by trade with another country? (9 points) . What is the author’s view of sweatshops? Do you find his arguments persuasive or not? (9 points)For the following questions, please read “On Missing the Boat: the Marginalization of the Bottom Billion in the World Economy” by Paul Collier (this is Ch. 6 of his book The Bottom Billion).  As you can probably ascertain from the title, the focus of this book is on the billion people living in the poorest countries in the world. 5. What does the author mean by “convergence?” Where has it occurred? (9 points) 6. Why are capital flows so stacked against the bottom billion? (9 points) For the following question, please read “Comparative advantage: The boomerang effect. 7. How are “economies of agglomeration,” described above in “On Missing the Boat,” used in this article? How is the use different than in “On Missing the Boat”  8. What are the opportunity costs of producing an e-book in both Vietnam and Laos? (9 points) 9. What should each country specialize in? (9 points) 10. Let’s say that the terms of trade become 13 paperback books. How does Vietnam benefit from that before it trades? (9 points) 11. For the same terms of trade, how does Laos benefit? (9 

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Homework 8
In the chapter, the author Tim Harford feels that life will never homogenize with what we have. The author argues that as long as new ideas exist and they are ever coming up with them, they add fresh ingredients to the slowly rotating mixer of economic integration (Harford, 2018). Therefore, there will ever be existing differences between the classes of rich and the poor.
The definition of comparative advantage in the book, where the author describes it in terms of authoring books by himself and the famed Harvard biologist E.O Wilson, is not consistent with the comparative advantage we described in class. We described comparative advantage as the economy's ability to produce certain goods or services at relatively lower costs than other partners.
International trade can eliminate production in one country. According to Tim Harford, trade partnerships with two countries can affect domestic companies producing similar or complementary goods. The other country may be producing the products at cheaper costs; therefore, they sell them at lower costs. This is a major threat to domestic production, which can be potentially be eliminated.
According to the author, sweatshops are poor and non-human-like working conditions. People working under these conditions are always subject to long working hours, crowded in the workplace, and the wages are insignificant (Harford, 2018). A country with such working conditions will never be advantageous to their workers, oppression of workers is a common issue. The author's arguments are persuasive, and all the involved parties should work towards eliminating sweatshops for a better living.
According to the author, the term convergence refers to the catching-up of the economy after it has escaped ...
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