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Big Economic Activities in the US from 2001-2010

Essay Instructions:

just go over the big things that happened economically during that decade

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2001-2010 Economics
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2001-2010 Economics
There are major economic activities that took place in the country between 2001 to 2010. The decade saw some industries emerging while others going down. It was during this decade that technology became the driving factor for major economies in the world. It was during the decade that interest was low, recession took charge and healthcare was affordable by the introduction of Obama care. Therefore, it is important to look at the big economic activities that sharped the countries development and influenced its global market.
Interest rate of borrowing was lowered by the Federal government. During this time, many people could borrow from different financial institutions at lower interest rate making the U.S. government shoulder a large debt that reduced the cost of borrowing for the public. It helped many citizens take home mortgages for investments in real estate which improved living standards of people. The Affordable Care Act reduced uninsured rate sharply. The sharp decline was attributed to by ACA creating subsidies which made people buy coverage on their own hence expanded Medicaid.
In the year 2001, the economy suffered a setback of security threat. It was this time that terrorist attack the nation leading to death of several citizens. Due to this, New York Security Exchange was shut down and other economic activities slowed down tremendously. The economic life of a country thrives well in a peaceful environment and where economic activities are not at threat (Albalate & Padró-Rosario, 2018). Such an attack made the country loss a lot as many investors feared further loss that may come as a result of such turmoil. Similarly, it is the same year that Enron one of the biggest firms in the United States was...
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