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Environmental Outcome Modelling

Essay Instructions:

You will write a short essay (10% of your course grade) of maximum 1.500 words where you will apply the tools we have been working on, and making use of the readings so far, to explore a particular environmental problem you would like to see changing and that gives you hope.

Imagine an environmental outcome that affects society as a whole. For this essay you will explore how social interactions and strategic interdependence among possible players in your particular situation could turn into an improvement of well-being of society but will require to work out the incentives in favor and against two players to produce this desirable outcome you have hope for.

In this essay you will identify the components of the game (players, strategies, payoffs, information, as described in chapter 4 and 5 of CORE) and you will develop arguments for plausible payoffs structures in the matrix of the game to help you analyze your problem situation. A few key points: Not all games are prisoners' dilemmas or tragedies of the commons. There are other possible situations. Your payoffs will be hypothetical and they can be numerical or ordinal (See example at the end of chapter 4). Just make sure they make sense in the context in which you are working. Use the tools of analysis to explore your central question for your paper idea. You should include in your essay a matrix with a narrative (Example: Figure 4.1 in CORE) and a payoffs structure (Example Fig. 4.2a in CORE) and a justification of why these words and values. Also, you could chose to have an ordinal scale such as the one represented in Exercise 4.14 in CORE on the US China game on climate change). Make sure your essay addresses the institutional dimension, namely, how institutions, power, fairness and the Pareto criteria can be analyzed.

The rubric we will use for this essay will have the following components:

-There is a clear question that is being addressed in your analysis

-The game is clearly described using a payoffs matrix and all its components (players, strategies, payoffs, information)

-The game is analyzed using the tools of game theory (dominant strategies, possible equilibria, social optimality)

-Institutions, power, fairness and Pareto efficiency are discussed for your game (who benefits, who loses)


-Style (clarity, spelling, references, graphs, tables)

For purposes of facilitating everyone, this is similar to the game of driving on your right, let us all use the APA system for citing your sources. Here is a link to a good guide.

Note: the link will be given through messages for the writer assigned


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Environmental Outcome Modelling
Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Environmental Outcome Modelling
Climate change has brought along tremendous change globally since it has affected the way people conduct their daily activities. Some of the negative impacts of climate change is global warming, which leads to drought. One of the most significant climate problems is deforestation since it leads to loss of soil cover when people cut down trees. Increasing industrialization has posed a significant threat to the forests since people cut down trees to set up industries and even for timber processing. On the other hand, general population growth is also a menace to the forests since people also tend to cut down trees to set up settlements and also clear ways for transport infrastructure such as roads, railways, and airports. Due to the detrimental impacts of deforestation, there have been implementation of different laws by different governments to ensure there is preservation of forests. If individual and humanitarian organizations together with government institutions could put together efforts, it would be easy to reverse the impacts of deforestation and ensure there are benefits for all parties.
An example of a narrative that could explain the reason for the massive destruction deforestation globally is the tragedy of commons. As explained in the CORE, tragedy of commons states that there is a tendency by the people to overexploit common resources which are meant for the benefit of the society. Such resources are not owned by anyone; instead, only selected parties are selected to be stewards of the resources to ensure there is adequate protection and preservation. In this case, forests remain to be property not owned by anyone, and therefore, majority of people tend to overexploit them since they are aware of the potential and value of the resource. When a few parties take advantage of overexploitation, the resources end up being of importance to only a few and the rest of the people suffer for the inadequacy of the resource.
One way to solve such social dilemmas is through altruism, which is self-sacrifice. Altruism could be the sacrifice to stand up for the rights of others and protect the resources at all costs soc that the few greedy party do not exploit them. Also, this could be the reason why someone would propagate the initiative of planting more trees and even engaging other interested parties to improve the face of the earth through more tree-planting activities. Through personal sacrifice, some individuals could be ready to develop institutions that would help to regulate forest activity, hence safeguarding the valuable resource. Since lack of understanding could be the reason some of the people engage in heinous practices such s deforestation, there should be need to sacrifice one’s time and engage in educating the community. Community education could help a good number of people to understand the benefits of forests and the consequences of deforestation. Safeguarding public resources is important because when they are destroyed, it means there is a risk for the entire community to suffer, either directly or indirectly.
Educating members of the public could be done on several ways such as utilizing social media platforms, setting up institutions, and running campaigns. Based on the current technological advancements, more than 60% of people globally can access information at the fingertips, which means they have smartphones and other digital mobile devices. Therefore, the use of social media platforms such as Facebook could be instrumental in reaching a wide global audience. Also, campaigns could be held to sensitize about climate change, deforestation and the associated impacts and the best mitigation strategies. Such campaigns cold be run on areas where there are large pieces of land that could be reclaimed for afforestation and reafforestation. In instances where organizations and the government are involved, there could be setting up of education institutions to educate people about climate change, and the best ways of environmental protection and preservation for natural resources. The curricula could involve topic about deforestation, impacts, and mitigation measures. With such developments, it is evident that there would be benefits for everyone in society, whether immediate benefits of long-term benefits according to the magnitude of the detrimental effects felt by the subjects.
Mitigation of defo...
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