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The Federal Reserve System and the Problems It Needs to Address

Essay Instructions:

Course: Econ 311 Money and Banking

Length of the essay: 1.5 pages minimum, 2 pages maximum, double-spaced. Note: The 1.5-2 pages do not include tables, graphs, and other visuals, and the bibliography, which are to be presented/displayed at the end of the text. Any text beyond 2 pages will not be considered.

Note: Please be sure that you ready "your task” below to understand what is expected of you. Each aspect of the task influences/counts for your grade on the Essay.

Topic of the Essay: “The Regulator’s Challenges in the US Financial Industry”

Description of the topic:
The functioning and performance of the financial industry are influenced by the regulatory measures (or instruments or frameworks) adopted and enforced by the government. These measures and frameworks have evolved and finetuned over time to make them more efficient at minimizing risk of banking crisis and to improve the performance of the banking industry.  However, regulation still faces a number of challenges; it cannot eliminate risks in a world characterized by information imperfections, exogenous and endogenous shocks, technological innovation, and globalization.

Your task: In this essay, you are asked to:

  1.  Choose one regulatory measure or framework that has been/was adopted by the US government to regulate the US financial industry, and describe its key goals (what was it set to achieve?);
  2. Describe its motivations; that is, why it was established (what problems was it meant to resolve)?
  3. Discuss whether the measure has been able to achieve its goals and provide some evidence for success or failure.  Then,

                                i)            if you found that the measure was successful, say why it was successful (what helped to make it successful?); 

                               ii)            if not, say what were/are the sources of the challenges that prevented achieving the objectives (why it was not successful?).

Bibliography: Present a bibliography comprising of at least 3 references.  These references must be cited/referenced in the text; that is you must use the references in writing your essay, not just list them in the bibliography.

Data sources: Present the sources of any data that you use in the text and in the tables and graphs.

Before you can decided on what to write about, you must read the material in Section IV. The essay must reflect your understanding of the issue on the basis of the material in the textbook or related sources. It is not a "free fall" essay where you present your general knowledge (common-sense understanding) on a topic. You must indicate the sources you are using to write the essay.

Please follow the essay guideline and read the class materials. Here is the website to get your outside resources and data if needed, https://www(dot)federalreserve(dot)gov/supervisionreg/reglisting.htm

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Money and Banking
The financial system of the United States facilitates borrowing and lending between banks, investment firms, and other financial institutions. There were two main purposes of financial regulation in America. The first reason was to ensure the safety of the financial system and the second reason was to protect consumers. At the same time, the measures and frameworks have evolved to be more effective at reducing the risk of the banking crisis and improving the industry's performance. One of the regulatory measures that the U.S. government has adopted to regulate the U.S. banking industry is the Federal Reserve System. Notably, the Federal Reserve started its operations in 1914. The main objective of founding the Fed was to stop financial panics that affected America in the late 19th century and early 20th century. This essay will analyze the Federal Reserve System and the problems it was meant to address.
The Federal Reserve System
One of the main reasons the Federal Reserve System was adopted in the United States was to stop the financial challenges affecting the U.S. during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Menand (2021) notes that the objectives of the Fed were stabilizing prices in the economy, moderating long-term interest rates, and ensuring maximum employment in the U.S. At the same time, Fed's framework was in line with the inflation outline that is now used by most leading central banks worldwide (Abolafia, 2020). Fed works by managing the levels of short-term interest rates and influences credit availability. Further, monetary policy directly impacts interest rates and exchange rates indirectly. It is important to note that the financial system's stability is important in the performance of the banking industry. Therefore, if people do not believe in these institutions and markets, they result in low-risk alternatives.
Motivations and the problems Fed was meant to resolve
One of the major reasons the Federal Reserve System was adopted in 1913 was to stabilize the U.S. economy through the introduct...
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