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The Economics Associated With the Gun Industry and Gun Laws in the United States

Essay Instructions:

Written Assignment (30 Points)

This assignment is to write an essay about the economics associated with the gun industry, and gun laws, in the United States.


For this written assignment I would like you to read two short reports expressing opposite opinions based on economic ideas: (1) a report on the Economic Contributions of the Gun Industry, and (2) a report on the Economic Toll of Gun Violence.

In your essay answer the following questions:

1. Which report, in your opinion, makes the strongest economic arguments, and why?

2. Which arguments do you think are the weakest, and why?

3. What externalities might be the most relevant in considering the arguments presented in these reports.

4. How do you think economics (economic ideas) can contribute to how society should decide on this topic?

5. What other ideas, which are generally not economic ideas, might also contribute to how society should decide on this topic?

Your answers to these questions need not be in separate parts of the essay, but can be intertwined. For example, you could refer to externalities when describing the strengths and weaknesses of the reports.

Your essay will be evaluated on the basis of how well you show an understanding of the economic arguments being made, and the thoughtfulness and logic you have shown in answering the questions above. (Your own personal, political position will not affect your grade.) Though it may be difficult, in your essay try your best to be scientific, objective, and analytical, rather than being “political” or “emotional.”

When writing your essay, please do the following:

1. Do not write less than 700 words, nor more than 800 words. (I will take points off for either!)

2. Write in a formal, professional style. Do not fill the essay with chatty, personal opinions.

3. In answering the questions refer to some of the economic principles that we learned about in this class.

4. Submit the essay as a Word document.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Economics Associated with the Guns in the United States
The Economics Associated with the Guns in the United States
The United States (U.S.) is one of the countries dealing with guns and related laws. The essay discusses the economics linked to guns in the U.S. using two distinctive reports. It specifically recognizes the strongest and weakest, their externalities, and the ideas that might influence how society must decide on the gun topic in America.
The specific report on the economic toll of gun violence makes the strongest argument on gun economics. Most importantly, guns cause more harm to the economy and citizens’ well-being than good. The Joint Economic Committee Democrats (n.d) argue that it is nearly impossible to calculate the loss that gun violence causes to victims, families, and society. Still, gun violence’s impact penetrates the country’s economy measurably. The economic toll leads to expenses and lasting effects for most families. The report also claims that most studies likely undervalue the violence’s economic toll by leaving some unaccounted-for or undercounted costs. However, identifying the known expenses is vital because it highlights insights and understanding the comprehensive details about gun violence, its economic effects, and losses to the people. The violence leads to more than $1 billion in yearly direct healthcare budgets for those affected and their families. Also, the Government Accountability Office’s survey established that firearm-based injuries trigger about 30,000 in-patient hospital stays every year. Each of these stays amounts to $31,000 and 50,000 emergency room visits, each averaging $1,500. Therefore, the country should propose ideal laws discouraging gun violence and reducing the economic toll.
On the other hand, the report on the economic contributions of the gun industry projects the weakest arguments. Though the gun industry's economic benefit is relatively significant, it cannot surpass the gun violence’s economic toll related that affects most individuals. The 2022 Firearm and Ammunition Industry Economic Impact Report noted that the American organization that creates and distributes firearms, such as guns and ammunition, employs more than 169,523 residents and helps make extra job opportunities within the auxiliary industries. The jobs created mainly include distributing products and services to distributors, retailers, and manufacturers. According to the report, the jobs are better as they pay $56,900 on average in salaries and benefits. The country’s unemployment rate is 3.8%; it implies that more than six million persons are still looking for jobs in the state and going for unemployment welfare. The report added that every job ...
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