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Adverse Selection Information Problem in Insurance Companies

Essay Instructions:

Essay 3:  Problems of Asymmetric Information

You have studied the theoretical issues of asymmetric information – situations where one party in a transaction knows more than the other.  You understand the problems that can follow from not knowing who you are dealing with or what they are doing.  Markets can collapse; prices can be skewed; individuals can’t reach the best outcomes for themselves.  Now turn your attention to a real-world problem of asymmetric information.  Identify a situation where moral hazard or adverse selection can be a problem.   Look at how the problem has been analyzed in two (2) academic research papers.  Pull your research together to write a summary paper that explains your issue and how economists have studied it.  Describe your problem, explain the informational asymmetry, and review and evaluate the research papers you have found.  In your paper • Describe the real-world problem. • Explain the informational asymmetry. • Discuss how the problem has been studied in two (2) research papers. • Answer the so what?  who cares? questions: o What was learned from these studies?  • Conclude with your thoughts on what should happen next. o Were solutions suggested that you think should be implemented? o Are there additional questions researchers should investigate? Be sure to cite all your references carefully and correctly. Length:  5-6 pages. 

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Adverse Selection Information Problem in Insurance Companies
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Adverse Selection Information Problem in Insurance Companies
An insurance information problem is an adverse selection problem in the real world that occurs when one party (insured) in a contract has relevant information that the other party (insurer) does not have. There is asymmetric information because the insurance company makes uninformed decisions that can cause adverse consequences since the insured is more knowledgeable or gives incomplete or inaccurate details. This research paper highlights health insurance schemes' adverse selection information problem and possible solutions.
Information asymmetry occurs because the insured can know of significant risks involved in the insurance coverage, but the insurance company may be unaware of those risks. Therefore, the insurer would incur higher insurance coverage costs because the insured's actual risks are significantly higher than the reported risk (Maverick, 2019). Consequently, the insurer incurs adverse effects since the insured gains insurance coverage at a lower cost than their actual level of risk, and the insurance coverage costs are higher than the premiums the insured pays and the real risks exposure, causing an adverse selection information problem. Hayes et al. (2022) explained that insurance companies make financial losses since they pay more claims than the insured should benefit from due to the high covered risks and the fewer premiums paid.
Different researchers have studied adverse selection information in insurance companies to highlight the significant impacts of the issue and develop viable solutions. The research paper titled "Adverse Selection in Community-Based Health Insurance among Informal Workers in Bangladesh: An EQ-5D Assessment" by Ahmed, Sarker, Sultana, Chakraborty, Hasan, Mirelman, and Khan (2018) studied and assessed the adverse selection problem using the EuroQuol-5 dimensions (EQ-5D) questionnaire in Community Based Health Insurance (CBHI) schemes. The study focused on insurance schemes that offered financial risk coverage to informal and low-income workers in Bangladesh. The survey highlighted an evident adverse selection information problem between the insured and the insurer in the CBHI scheme. Some insured knew their disease risks better than the insurance companies, causing an asymmetry information issue. As a result, high-risk members purchased insurance at a lower premium than their actual disease risk would indicate (Ahmed et al., 2018). Such adverse selection issues compromise the financial sustainability of insurance companies.
Insurance companies can minimize adverse selection information problems in various ways. They can enroll only low-risk individuals or cherry-pick, increase the waiting time for the insured to access healthcare following their enrollment, and set different premium amounts for different risks (Ahmed et al., 2018). Cherry-picking offers insurance coverage to low-risk individuals, preventing adverse selection information because all the insured individuals would know that the coverage is only meant for those with low risks (Ahmed et al., 2018). Therefore, individuals with significant risk levels would not be suitable for insurance coverage, preventing financial losses related to unidentified high risks that the insured could have omitted during risk assessment. The insurer can also require the insured to wait for a specific time before benefitting from the coverage (Ahmed et al., 2018). The waiting period would help the insurer investigate inaccurate details to prevent adverse consequences of asymmetrical information. The insurer can also charge high-risk individuals more premium amounts based on multiple factors, including lifestyle habits like smoking, current health, occupation, and medical history.
In another study titled "Solutions for Adverse Selection in Behavioral Health Care," Frank, McGuire, Bae, and Rupp (1997) noted that adverse selection is a severe issue in managed care. The study focused on information asymmetry problems and solutions in private health insurance markets. Employer survey data revealed that adverse selection problems among behavioral health care patients cause lower lifetime limits, higher risk- and cost-sharing, and reduced limits in covered visits and days, caus...
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