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Coal as the US' Main Source of Energy - A Debate

Essay Instructions:

you are the pro side in this debate, which means your position is "Strong position of continuing and even growing coal as a main source of energy in the US"

find as many reasons as possible to support your position.

you also need to analyze the con side---"the immediate reduction of the use of coal and the complete reduction of its use by 2050" think about what argument the con side will apply and try to answer

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Coal Debate
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Coal Debate
Coal is a non-renewable form of energy that takes several years to form. It is a black and brown sedimentary rock with a high content of carbon. It contains the energy stored by plants that lived several millions of years ago in swamp vegetation ("Coal explained - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)," 2020). Coal is used in generating electricity that lights up industries, organizations, and homesteads. The debate that has been going on about coal for a long is negative, with several people arguing that it is dangerous for the environment because it contributes to global warming. These debates are misleading. Coal has contributed more positively than negatively to the U.S.'s economy and should be used for a long and even grown as the primary source of the country's energy.
Coal is the cheapest form of energy. Compared to other forms like oil, gas, and nuclear, coal is very affordable. The country saves importation costs that would be paid as tax and initial cost for buying the product. It would also save on transportation costs that would be incurred for long distances outside the country. This makes it a cheap source of energy. However, hydroelectric power can be more affordable than coal, but its effects on the ecosystem make it inconvenient and expensive. Hydropower interferes with the natural flow of rivers because dams have to be built along waterways. Rivers can also run dry, leading to a shortage of electricity during high-demand seasons ("10 reasons why coal is a good energy source:", n.d.). This leaves coal as the better option to provide the country with energy.
The coal industry has employed several U.S. citizens. The industry needs people to work in mining the coal from underground, transporting it to the designated destinations, burning it to produce energy, and proper disposal of its ash. These are more jobs than other forms of energy like hydroelectric, natural gas, and oil which is more mechanized can offer. This means that the U.S. employs its people in the coal industry, reducing the unemployment rates that have gone so high in other countries. In return, employment helps to raise the living standards of people and reduce the poverty level. Therefore, coal should be kept at the heart of the country's energy sector.
Unlike other forms of energy, coal provides a stable energy supply. Industries depend on power to run their activities, and a reliable source means a steady production. Coal guarantees such a steady flow of energy. Shortages can hit other forms of energy at some seasons in the year, leading to power rationing. This makes other business organizations record losses due to the interruption of the production process ("The Nati...
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