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Impact of Macroeconomics on the Economy

Essay Instructions:

Blog Post Instructions You must write two blog posts centered around current events in the world tied to macroeconomics. These blog posts can be about any macroeconomic topic. THE RULES 1. There are three dates in which you can choose to submit by: February 12th, March 26th, and April 30th. You only are required to submit two blog posts and only your first two will be graded. 2. You must submit each blog in separate time frames. Meaning that you cannot submit two in a single window. Please plan accordingly. 3. You must submit to the upload section located on Canvas. 4. I will run the blog through Turn It In to make sure there are no academic integrity violations. 5. Any academic integrity violations will result in a zero for the blog post. 6. Grades for these blogs are determined by the graders based upon the following seven (8) categories: Macroeconomics, Word Count, Title, Subtitle, Photo, Links, Footnotes, Spelling/Grammar. I. Related to Macroeconomics The biggest portion of your grade will come from relating your topic to macroeconomics. Your post must be relevant to current events and macroeconomics. This can be about the US or any other country. This can be with relationship to trade, monetary policy, unemployment, labor markets, etc. You just need to write something that has to do with macroeconomics and current ongoing affairs. You must (1) clearly state the macroeconomic topic/issue you are writing about; (2) discuss facts about the macroeconomic topic/issue; (3) provide your own opinion/take on the macroeconomic topic/issue; (4) provide further reading through links and footnotes (see below). II. Wordcount Your blog post must be between 500 and 800 words to receive full credit. If you are slightly off, you will receive partial credit. This does not include footnotes, titles, or subtitles. You can check wordcount easily by using this online word counter tool.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Impact of Macroeconomics on the Economy
Monetary policy on the united states national output
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Impact of Macroeconomics on the Economy Monetary policy on the united states national output This blog will mainly deal with macroeconomics concerning the national input. The theory of income is known as macroeconomics, and it primarily involves problems with economic fluctuation, unemployment, inflation or deflation, and economic growth. It also sums up all quantities about the national output. The extent to which a resource is utilized, the national income, and the trim price level are . Understanding macroeconomics' concept plays a vital role in formulating the principles and working of an economy and solving the economy's problems concerning employment, the economy's behavior, and its total price. This blog will focus on macroeconomics and its impact on the United states' national output in the three goals: economic growth, full employment, and price stability. Photo by from After the negative inflation in 1970, the Federal Reserve adopted an active measure to ensure financial stability. Monetary policy is firmly on interest rates' current use as the critical determinant in one instrument-one target framework. The approach is associated mainly with the new consensus built in macroeconomics. In a , consumer demand is determined by both fiscal and monetary policy. The reason is that the parameters are applied in determining the aggregate demand of the population resulting in trilemma. Changes in government spending and taxations are some of the effects of fiscal policy on aggregate demand and thus influence employment and household income. Changes in government spending and taxations are some of the impacts of fiscal policy on the aggregate demand and thus affecting unemployment and the overall household income The Federal Reserve's role is to regulate the money flow in the market by applying various strategies. Due to this move, interest rates and inflation are significant determinants of employment, aggregate demand, and cost of debts. The main aim of the money and fiscal policies in the United States is to manage inflation, unemployment, and balance in the currency
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