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Week III Assignment. Management Essay. Workplace diversity

Essay Instructions:

Use your textbook Greenberg, J. (2011). Behavior in organizations (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. and/or other sources to answer the following questions

1. Identify and explain some important trends that are leading to an increasingly diverse workplace.

2. Identify and describe conditions in the workplace that tend to trigger stress in employees.

3. What are attitudes? Briefly identify and describe the three major components of attitudes.

4. Explain organizational commitment, and identify its three common forms.

5. Time management is said to reduce stress. Name and describe some time management techniques that may be used to reduce stress.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Workplace diversity is defined as understanding and valuing differences between people of different gender, races, and knowledge bases, etc. Nevertheless, sexual orientation has hugely impacted the diversity of workplaces. In other terms, most workplaces have been shaped by gender-related parameters. Consequently, organizations have adopted a more diverse definition of diversity by including the LGBT group. Initially, matters to do with this group were extremely sensitive. With time however, it has become more and more evident that they are part and parcel of the current society. In addition, being aware of any biases with regards to religion symbolizes diversity. Specific attire relating to one’s religious beliefs have therefore slowly been allowed into the workplace. Therefore, other than just recognizing this fact, companies have gone ahead and allowed employees to wear religious garments such as the hijab.
Workplace stress can be caused by a number of factors ranging from workload, blame culture, and poor working conditions. Excessively high workloads make people feel rushed and overwhelmed while insufficient workloads make employees feel like their skills are underused. On the other hand, blame culture within the business leads to low self-esteem among their employees. An employee constantly feels as the reason for the organization’s inefficiency. He or she becomes the embodiment of organizational failure. Poor working conditions such as a hostile organizational culture, ineffective management, lack of supportive structures and poor physical environment leads to lack of sense of direction among the employees.
Attitude is the approach one has towards something or someone. Every attitude has three components that are represented in the ABC model of attitudes; A for ...
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