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Effects Of Ageism In Management

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The sources can come from the book chapter or the article.

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Ageism in Management Name Institution Due Date Ageism in Management Ageism is a form of discrimination by age. Today, recruiters have adopted ways which help them to discriminate against the ‘old’ employees. In her article, Gallucci (2018) notes that “roughly 25 percent of employees make judgments about their co-workers’ and supervisors’ abilities to do their job based on their age alone.” It is common to find words like “high-performer” as well as “proven experience” while going through a job advertisement. However, even though recruiters include these in job advertisements, rarely do they end up settling for such candidates. Often, they will settle on digital natives. Today, “companies such as Zipcar, Panasonic, and yes, Facebook, now list being a “digital native” as a job requirement” (259). Having gone to this extent shows the willingness of companies to continue in neglecting and discriminating against ‘old employees.’ With multinationals like Facebook leading the way, the future looks ‘young’ so to say. However, is this the right direction and is setting such precedence the right way to go? This paper reflects on the changing times while also trying to showcase the implications or the effects of ageism in management. First of all, it is appropriate to discuss the term ‘old’ by today's’ standards. “In today’s workplace “old is closer to 40” (260). As per the article, the term old has changed from being in the mid-50s to now approaching 40. With this change comes fear as people will become warier of their age. Issues of anxiety, stress, and depression could become rampant within the workplace as people advance in age. The above is because as a person’s age increase, so does their chances ...
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