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Values & Ethical Choices Management Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Integrity can be described as a congruence (match) between what we think, say and do in our personal lives and our professional lives. It is indicative of honesty, moral strength, and courage. The concept of "core values" can be described as those values that guide our behaviors and serve as a vision for our life. As noted in this week's course material: "When you are able to identify your core values, you have a clear picture of the kind of person you want to be and the kind of life you want to have".

This week's topic challenges us to gain greater clarity and awareness of our personal values and how they align with our career and life choices. For this week's discussion board, please review the 10 Core Values of Zappos Company Culture (Week 5: Required Resources) and pick two of the Zappos core values that resonate with your own personal values. Discuss why you picked those two and how they could play out in the workplace.

Next, provide two examples of how your selected core values can support ethical behavior in the workplace.

10 Core Values of Zappos Company Culture:

Deliver WOW Through Service

Embrace and Drive Change

Create Fun and A Little Weirdness

Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded

Pursue Growth and Learning

Build Open and Honest Relationships With Communication

Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit

Do More With Less

Be Passionate and Determined

Be Humble

Zappos Article:


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Values & Ethical Choices
Name Course Instructor Date
Pick two of the Zappos core values that resonate with your own personal values.
* Pursue Growth and Learning
* Build Open and Honest Relationships With Communication
Discuss why you picked those two and how they could play out in the workplace.
The core value “Pursue Growth and Learning “highlights taking action and being passionate where they learn something that helps to grow personally and professionally. I picked this core value as there is the emphasis on an individual being motivated to take action and learning, which helps to achieve the best potential. I strive to be the best and maximize my potential, which is consistent with the core value, and organizations select highly motivated people who are willing to grow the organization rather than those who are stuck in one place. “Build Open and Honest Relationships with Communication” emphasizes open communication as the key to trusting relationships, and I choose this as it is associated with mutual t...
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