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Collective Barganing Management Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Collective Bargaining

Preparation for collective bargaining involves four steps. Pick a step to discuss and describe what happens in this step. Which of the steps do you think is the most important and why? What would happen if you eliminated one of the steps? Why?

Present your views in approximately 250 words in your initial discussion post. Utilize the course text, weekly lecture, and at least one other scholarly source. Remember to properly cite your sources.

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Collective Bargaining
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Collective Bargaining
One of the steps in collective bargaining is negotiation or bargaining. During negotiation, the parties table proposals and discuss possible compromises (Katz et al., 2015). It follows a discussion to come to an agreement that may be acceptable to the involved parties. The bargaining stage also allows trading issues so that the discussion can move from a fixed position. For example, X agrees to a certain compromise if Y makes a certain adjustment. The process may involve several adjournments to allow time to explore options, test proposals, and consult.
I believe the most important step is preparation. Preparation is an important step because it involves researching and planning for the negotiations. Without proper...
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