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US Air Force Organizational Structure and Culture

Essay Instructions:

Each of these aspects of analysis should be present, but integrated into the paper as a whole, rather than broken out into distinct sections.

The topic of this case is organizational design. To complete this assignment, we will begin as before, and you should identify an organization you know very well. Then conduct your analysis by addressing the topics below. Do not line up the questions and address them one at a time as in a short-answer test, but rather integrate them into a single coherent commentary and analysis of the organization. A critical part of successful completion of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your ability to employ the concepts introduced in the background material in describing and evaluating the effectiveness of the organizational design. To do this, you will need to draw on the concepts from at least three readings/videos. This paper should be 4-6 pages long.

Case Questions:

1. Diagram the formal structure of your organization. Identify the various management positions or titles on the chart and indicate the positions/jobs that would report to each. Identify the various management positions or titles on the chart and indicate the positions/jobs that would report to each. SmartDraw.com (https://cloud(dot)smartdraw(dot)com/) provides free examples, though others are also available via Google. PowerPoint also has templates for organizational charts you can use.

2. Describe how work is divided (specialization and departmentalization), coordinated (chain of command and span of control), and controlled (centralization and formalization). Is the structure more mechanistic or organic?

3. Describe the informal structure of the organization. How does work actually get done?

4. How does the organization deal with the differentiation-integration issue?

5. Having completed this analysis, identify three strengths and three weaknesses of the organizational design.

6. If you could suggest one major improvement to the organizational design, what would it be?

Background material/readings:

McNamara, C. (2000) Organizational Culture. Adapted from the Fieldguide to Organizational Leadership and Supervision. Free Management Library. http://managementhelp(dot)org/organizations/culture.htm

Narasimhan, A., Yu, H. H., & Lane, N. (2012). Organization design: Inviting the outside in. Retrieved from https://www(dot)imd(dot)org/research-knowledge/articles/organizational-design-inviting-the-outside-in/

Flamholtz, E. & Randle, Y. (2011). Corporate Culture: The Invisible Asset. Corporate Culture: The Ultimate Strategic Asset. (pp. 3-25), Stanford, CA: Stanford Business Books.

Mootee, I. (2012). What is the right organizational design for your corporation? And what test to use to know if you’ve got the right one? Innovation Playground. Retrieved from https://www(dot)futurelab(dot)net/blog/2012/06/what-right-organization-design-your-corporation-and-what-test-use-know-if-youve-got

Organization: US Air Force

Structure and summary of every role of active duty-enlisted member ranking link:


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organizational Structure and Culture
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Organizational Structure and Culture
The United States (US) Department of the Air Force constitutes a vast organization with more than 317,000 active servicemen and women. The service’s tiered command organizational structure assist manages the airmen and women as well as their efforts to train, organize, equip, as well as implement military ability albeit effective taking care of the persons and their households. The Airforce Department is headed by a civilian referred to as the Secretary of the Airforce (SECAF). The SECAF commands his or her own staff members, positioned at the Pentagon within Washington D.C. In addition, the Pentagon also incorporated a Headquarters Air Force (AHF). The HAF leader is the highest-ranking military person within the Air Force Department – the Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF). The CSAF and SECAF are the key Airforce leaders, particularly handling service-wide issues.
The MAJCOM is the next tiered organization reporting to the HAF. There are eleven MAJCOMs, specializing in forces’ management to ensure they are effectively trained, equipped, and organized. These organizations are anchored on geography and functionality. The Numbered Air Forces (NAF) report to the MAJCOMs. There are 25 NAFs that are called tactical echelons, offering operational leadership as well as supervision for the assigned operational departments (units) under them. Within the NAFs include wings, groups, as well as squadrons. Either Colonels or Brigadier Generals lead the Wings. The squadrons are the organizations that report to the groups. They are also referred to as the pulse within the Air Force. The Airforce includes approximately 3,300 squadrons. The figure below shows the formal organizational structure of the US Airforce. The respective lines of the organizational structure incorporate unit designator as well as the number of units where necessary.
Figure 1: US Airforce Organizational Structure
Regarding work specialization, the US Airforce officers can work in various facets including law, space, healthcare, science and technology, aviation and flight, combat and control, among others. Officers interested in aviation and flight can assume different careers including pilot, air traffic control, special warfare forces or personnel recovery integrated communications, navigation, or mission systems, command ad control operations, command and control battle management operations, and special electronic warfare and radar surveillance integrated avionics. Some of the science and technology careers include radar, airfield and weather systems, biomedical equipment, and nuclear engineer. There are also various combat and control careers including combat control, tactical air control party specialist, and survival evasion resistance and escape (US Airforce, n.d.). Regarding departmentalization, the Airforce structure is increasingly an integration of Marine Corps and Army structures. The components of the command could change centered on the kind of the unit, but the fundamental constituents remain constant. The US Airforce is divided into various units including flight, major command, numbered Airforce, group, and squadron (US Department of Defense, n.d.).
The Department of Defense (DOD) definition of the chain of command and span of control is synonymous with certain rationale. The DOD defines control and command (C2) as the exercising of directions and authority by an appropriately designated or appointed command over assigned forces within the accomplishment of any given mission. At its basic threshold, C2 depicts DOD’s role in making operational decisions. One could conceptualize C2 within the context of five deliverables including how, where, when, what, and who (Congressional Research Service, 2021). The US Airforce also employs centralized control to reduce some of the joint-air control and command problems posed by are denial that places conventional US space as well as cyber merits at risk. Centralized control empowers the air constituent commander to effectively respond to alterations within the operational context as well as...
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