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He troubled team at universal telecom. Management Essay

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The Troubled Team at Universal Telecom
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The Troubled Team at Universal Telecom
Answer 1
After Universal Telecom downsized its Metro and Enterprise Planning division, Warren Merrill became the new director, and two teams were formed. One of the groups, which will be the primary focus of this paper, serves the Presale role while the other implements existing contracts. The Presale Team has four members, namely Jack Morgan, Mavis Tate, Neil Bateman, and Jennifer Giaconi. These are the individuals who are responsible for calling potential or existing customers to diagnose any telecom networking requirements and create an effective service plan that portrays the software, service, and equipment needed. The other team of 16 members implements the approved service plans. Although the team of four comprises of individuals with different expertise, it is facing critical performance and process issues. First, the presale team does not have an effective team leader who motivates members to undertake their responsibilities efficiently. Warren is the leader of the presale team and has been working for Universal Telecom for about 25 years. Before the layoffs, Warren controlled five members, and now the number has increased to 20 members (Behfar, 2001). As such, he does not have time to give direct reports, which are critical for members to understand what they should do to improve team performance. Second, team members do not pay attention to Warren and usually talk behind his back. They have nicknamed him “Kelvin,” and they say that he has zero value for the team since he spends more time playing politics and examining the firm’s structure. Third, the presale team members do not communicate effectively, and some individuals, such as Morgan, feel more superior to others. Since Morgan was demoted from the position of the director of the data sub-group, he perceives himself as more qualified than Warren. As such, the two do not listen to each other’s advice, and everyone does what he sees as the best without consulting the other. Fourth, the presale team members do not collaborate with each other. Some people intimidate and undermine the effort made by others, hence making them feel demotivated with their duties.
Answer 2
Team members’ personalities play critical roles in the success of the group. Specifically, the personalities of the presale team members at Universal Telecom make it hard for the team to achieve its objectives effectively. Morgan is arrogant, disrespectful, intimidating, and boastful. He has been working at Universal Telecom for about 24 years (Behfar, 2001). Although this person is highly skillful, he does not work alongside his team members and says that his team leader, Warren, is intimidated by his achievements and expertise. Tate, who has been working at Universal Telecom for eight and a half y...
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