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Q 2 -3. What does the Iron Triangle refer to? Management Essay.

Essay Instructions:

1) When talking about Project Management what does the Iron Triangle refer to?  How does project management and project leadership relate to this iron triangle?  How does this relate to the article I sent to you entitled,  “The Project Excellence Model”?
2) Describe Herzberg’s two factor theory of motivation.  Why is this important to understand if you are a team leader?  Is this connected to Maslows hierarchy of needs, why or why not? How does this relate to the self-concept we discussed in class?  How does it relate to the charisma of a leader?  

Note: Some writers ask for extra time. So, please if you don't have time DO NOT accept my request. I will not give you extra time. Thank you

Essay Sample Content Preview:
1 When talking about Project Management, what does the Iron Triangle refer to? How do project management and project leadership relate to this iron triangle? How does this relate to the article I sent to you entitled, "The Project Excellence Model"?
1 The iron triangle in the field of project management simply refers to the three kinds of constraints that project managers should be able to address, which are (1) budget, (2) scope, and (3) schedule. In this triangle, each of these constraints could change position depending on their priorities in achieving the organizational goal. Thus, if a project manager focuses on completing the project in time, then scope and budget would be at the bottom of the triangle of constraints. Accordingly, while project management focuses mostly on meeting and addressing these constraints, a leader also focuses on how his employees could deal with these constraints and how his decisions would relate to the larger organizational goal. This could also be seen in line with the project excellence model, wherein the leader is expected to 'guide' his own members. In other words, when a leader guides his employees to work with these constraints, the possibility of success increases within the workplace.
2 Describe Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation. Why is this important to understand if you are a team leader? Is this connected to Maslow's hier...
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