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Unit VI Course Project Literature Review

Essay Instructions:

Literature Review Draft

Determine the key steps for a comprehensive literature review by reviewing the Unit VI Lesson, the textbook (pages 119 and 487), and the CSU Concept Paper template (I SENT YOU THIS ALREADY). Ensure your topic is relevant to professional business knowledge and/or professional development (as related to behavior, policy, or strategic issues.)

For this assignment, you will apply the key steps and add or refine existing sources to fit the key steps for a comprehensive literature review. Submit a preliminary draft of your full literature review as a part of your concept paper outline. At this point, the literature review section of your concept paper outline should have at least 15 sources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Literature review
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Literature review
Insights from Babbie (2016) show that literature review is an integral part of research that facilitates the identification of existing knowledge and the gaps that emerge in such studies to guarantee the investigation of a particular topic. The author adds that literature review digs into the body of available knowledge shaping how researchers engage in their inquiries. In this light, the literature review for this study focuses on addressing previous research and publications that relate to the role of HRM in human resource management in employee retention that affects innovation within organizations. Babbie (2016) highlights that a literature review should be linked to the methods employed in the study in data collection. Resultantly, the literature review focuses on a qualitative analysis of literature, which attempts to gather insights that respond to the research questions and objective of the study.
There is a substantial and growing body of knowledge that attempts to address how HRM practices relate to employee retention. The research is premised on the insights presented by Metwally and El-bishbishy (2014), showing that workers are often not satisfied with their responsibilities in the workplace. Further insights from Presbitero, Roxas, and Chadee (2016)Presbitero, Roxas, and Chadee (2016)Presbitero, Roxas, and Chadee (2016) identify that there is an essential relationship between HRM practices such as recruitment, compensation and promotions, training and development, job description, and creating a conducive work environment, which affects employee satisfaction and the subsequent ability of the organization to retain workers. Despite organizations implementing these strategies Boss (2015) implies that a lack of effective employee retention measures compromises the ability of an organization to leverage the innovative capacity among the workers. The sentiments by Boss (2015) serve in understanding the imperative aspects of workers engaging in the creative process that fosters innovation and creates a competitive advantage for the organization.
According to Deery and Jago (2015) and Johennesse and Chou (2017), the capacity of an organization to promote employee retention is structured by the HRM approaches employed in talent management. Johennesse and Chou (2017) add that how jobs are designed to influence various HRM activities such as training, empowerment, and performance assessment impact the decision of an employee to remain within an organization. These contributions of HRM in developing and ensuring productivity among the workers are key to achieving innovation within organizations.
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) (2018) offers insights that are drawn from a survey showing that leadership in HRM is a critical aspect that influences employee retention. Drawing from the insights provided by SHRM (2018), there are challenges within HR leadership and practices that compromise employee engagement and addressing these issues can enhance employee retention. According to Manuel et al. (2016), enhancing employee engagement by developing a motivated workforce can enhance the contribution of the knowledge and skills that emerge from enhanced employee retention, which can contribute to firm competitiveness by fostering innovation among the workers. Furthermore, Figueiredo, Pais, Monteiro, and Mуnico (2016) allude that employee retention is the primary approach used by organizations to enhance knowledge management. The role of leadership in knowledge management offers an opportunity to promote creativity and innovation and creating competitive advantage.
Researchers have established that employee retention is influenced by different factors emerging from the role played by the HR department in developing the workforce. Effectiveness in HRM practices shapes the kind of leadership in the organization and how it impacts the employee engagement and the subsequent capacity of the organization to innovate. According to Avolio and Gardner (2015), leadership at all levels of the organization influence the contribution the workforce has on the organizational performance. Drawing from these insights, authenticity in leadership and team management develops the motivation required to promote employee retention and sustainability in the innovative process. Nevertheless, the insights offered by Avolio and Gardner (2015) lack to identify the contributions the role of HRM in leadership has in developing employee retention. However, McCollum and Broaddus (2016) show that the purpose of HRM in developing effective leadership contribute...
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