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Essay Instructions:



Truth is the key to making good and well-informed decisions in management. However, criminal justice organizations in some jurisdictions do not practice the ethics of truth. They do not create trust in their ability to deal with their citizens and fellow criminal justice organizations with truthfulness in a court of law. Many years ago, some folks said, “if we don’t clean this mess up, someone else is going to clean it up for us.” The article you are reading for this essay was written in 2007, about three years after this old issue came back with a vengeance. It, too, will cost money, if you do not have a decisional policy point and procedure in place before that court date arrives. Do not ever think that it cannot happen here, because it always does. Two very key cases here: Brady v. Maryland and Giglio v. United States.


You must format your essays as you would a formal paper, following the guidelines set forth for papers in this course. To adequately respond to the question, you will need to write at least 3 pages (not including the title, abstract, and resource pages.) The essays are open book/open notes.

• Citation style: current APA

• All papers must use the following format:

o Times New Roman

o 12-point font

o Double spaced

o 1” margins from left to right and top to bottom

Final Essay Question:

The writer poses the true question in his title to be answered in full using the format as laid out below, “Should Police Officers Who Lie Be Terminated as a Matter of Public Policy?”

As you strive to answer the overall question, use the steps below to arrive at your final answers in route to the last one:

• It is simple, but is it fair?

• Is it possible that you could lose some really good personnel who only messed up once in their whole career?

• What effect will such a drastic measure have on the personnel’s families?

• If you keep them, will it affect the overall credibility of your agency?

• What conclusion does the writer reach? Why or why not?

• What policy would you recommend for your chief, sheriff, warden, state police commissioner, and/or any other affiliated executive with whom you may work?

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool.



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Truthfulness: Should Police Officers Who Lie Be Terminated as a Matter of Public Policy?
Student's Name
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Course ID
Instructor's Name
Due Date
The rights of employees are in a powerful position nowadays. Termination of employment is justified if public policy objectives drive it and prove that the decision that led to the termination is legitimate and justifiable. In 2007, Elliot Spector published an article that explained Court decisions regarding actions taken against lying police officers. The report explained that lying could lead to the termination of an officer. The main question addressed in this essay whether police officers who lie should be terminated as a matter of public policy (Spector, 2008). This essay argues that termination is fair, justified since the act of lying by a police officer makes it hard for Law enforcement agencies to perform the duties owed to the public effectively and undermines the expected level of efficiency and effectiveness of police departments. Furthermore, in several cases, the court has stated that termination of police officers based on untruthfulness is justified (Kitsap County Deputy Sheriff’s Guild v. Kitsap County, 2007).
Keywords: Deterrence, public policy, Termination, Fairness, and justification.
Should Police Officers Who Lie Be Terminated as a Matter of Public Policy?
Terminating the employment of lying police officers is necessary. To explain this, I would equate this situation to a teacher who has threatened to suspend students who misbehave in school. Deterrence is only achieved if the threat is followed to the letter. If the teacher decides to let misbehavior slide without suspending the said students, the significance of such a threat will be lost. In Kitsap County Deputy Sheriff's Guild v. Kitsap County (2007), the court supported this decision to take action against misconduct. The case involved the termination of employment of an untruthful sheriff. The court upheld the decision to fire the sheriff and argued that the termination was based on public policy. The issue of fairness then arises. Is it fair to go ahead and terminate the employment of such officers for merely lying?
It is my view that termination of such police officers is fair for various reasons. The first one is based on the concept of fair play that supports arguments that an individual enjoys a couple of benefits only because of the cooperation of other members of society. Therefore, it is only fitting that such the individual reciprocates these benefits to the public by cooperating in turn. Therefore, this school of thought means that when a police officer fails to obey the rules and engages in dishonesty, he takes unfair advantage of the public and the law enforcement agencies. It is only fair that action is taken against him.
Further, when the police officer lies to achieve something, he acquires a double advantage that is impossible to reverse by forcing the officer constantly to tell the truth. Termination of such officers will affirm the belief that it is wrong to take advantage of the public whose cooperation makes the rule of law possible. Therefore, based on the Kantian theory of reciprocity, the termination is fair, as it will restore the moral order breached by his actions (Allison, 2020).
I also wish to base my arguments on Common law provisions that sanctions should be proportional to the degree of wrongdoing. Police officers should maintain public confidence in agencies' integrity, which he breaks when he is dishonest. This obligation, therefore, means that the effect of his actions is significant, and therefore termination is fair as it is proportional to the impact of his actions. Fairness of termination decisions is ...
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