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Assessing Financial Performance: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS MEMO

Essay Instructions:

Competency: In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Assess current performance of an organization through analysis of financial statements.


A1.In Project One: Applying Strategic and Operational Thinking, you prepared Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the marketing and sales departments of your product line.

Now, the CEO has provided you with a revised set of KPIs. You need to apply these KPIs toward the analysis of a proposed marketing and sales initiative to increase loyalty card memberships in neighborhoods with predominantly low-income populations, whether the populations are in rural, suburban, or city locations.

The CEO wants this analysis so that she can chart the sustainability and growth of the initiative while assuring it meets standards for Corporate Social Responsibility.

The CEO has provided you with several documents, available in the Supporting Materials section of this project. She wants you to use the provided Triple Bottom Line Balanced Scorecard to assess the strategic plan’s compliance with the KPIs and summarize your findings in a memo.


Complete the following to provide the analysis required by the CEO:

1.Identify the financial records that indicate commitment to TBL.

1A.Outline which financial and other records marketing and sales maintains where TBL can provide data.

1B.Using the TBL scorecard, evaluate the alignment of the strategic plan with KPIs. Remember, there may be multiple outcomes of this exercise. Your focus should be to apply your understanding of the scenario and evaluate the plan accordingly.

1C.Which ideas in the plan support the KPI criteria? Cite specific ideas that meet the criteria.

1D.Explain how they meet the criteria.

2.In your memo:

2A.Describe how the TBL data relates to the KPIs.

2B.Identify which additional TBL financial line items are needed to measure the cost for each criterion.

2C. For example, should there be a line entry for hiring temporary workers?

2D.Referring back the SWOT analyses from Project One, explain how functional considerations of individual departments contribute to financial performance.

*******What to Submit********

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

KPI and Triple Bottom Line Balanced Scorecard

Complete and submit the KPI and Triple Bottom Line Balanced Scorecard. In the scorecard spreadsheet, identify one additional KPI, a related SMART objective, and its measurement criterion. You need to do this for all three elements of TBL: people, planet, and profit. You have been provided with one example for each TBL element.

Analysis Memo

In a Word document, write a memo outlining your analysis. Ensure that the memo is organized by TBL element with a header for each segment of your analysis. The Word document should use double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. This memo should be no more than 6 pages in length, and include references cited in APA format. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.

***Supporting Materials: 6 docs

The following resource(s) may help support your work on the project.

The following resources support your work on the project:

Document: Consolidated Balance Sheet

This is a consolidated balance sheet for the company. The CEO has highlighted the areas of the financial statements she wants you to focus your attention and analysis on.

Document: Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

This is a consolidated cash flow statement for the company. The CEO has highlighted the areas of the financial statements she wants you to focus your attention and analysis on.

Document: Consolidated Income Statement and Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

This document is a consolidated income statement and a consolidated statement of comprehensive income of the company. The CEO has highlighted the areas of the financial statements she wants you to focus your attention and analysis on.

Document: KPI and Triple Bottom Line Balanced Scorecard

This is the final and authoritative draft of the KPI Scorecard the CEO wants you to use. This scorecard provides three KPIs: one for a social measure (people); one for an environmental measure (planet) and one for an economic measure (profits). You need to identify three more KPIs and associated information.

Document: Marketing and Sales Executive Summary

This is a proposal from the sales and marketing departments to increase rewards memberships in low-income markets. This summary includes a high-level estimate of projected sales, costs, and profits.

Document: SWOT Analyses from Sales and Marketing

This document contains a combined SWOT analysis from the two departments.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Assessing Financial Performance
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The assignment uses the revised Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the analysis of the strategic sales and marketing plan aimed at growing the loyalty membership program in low-income populations. The plan and the KPIs are evaluated against the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) comprising of the three P's: P-People, P-Profit, and P-Planet. The TBL scorecard is used to assess the alignment of the sales and marketing plan to the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) and the Triple Bottom Line. The company’s pursuit of the TBL is informed by its strategic objective of targeting low-income consumers while rewarding individuals and the community through a points-based loyalty program. Still, TBL would help increase profits by supporting green initiatives, improving the community welfare and the environment. The analysis is supported by the income statement, KPI and the TBL scorecard, the sales, and marketing executive summary, and the SWOT analysis.
1 Financial records that depict a commitment to the Triple Bottom Line (3BL)
The financial record that depicts a commitment toward Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is charitable giving under non-current assets. The company made charitable contributions in FY2018, 2017 and 2016 valued at $18,067, $17,341 and $16,881 Million respectively (Consolidated Bal. sheet). The year-on-year increment of charitable giving is absolute proof of commitment. Still under non-current assets, there were intangible assets valued at $12,962, $12, 152 and $11,520 in FY2018, 2017 and 2016 respectively. Under financial reporting, carbon credits are recognized as intangible assets or maybe reported under other non-current assets. Income generated from sustainable initiatives (carbon credits) can also be reported under trade and other receivables in both the income statement (consolidated) and the consolidated balance sheet
1A.The financial records that can provide data for the 3BL
Marketing and sales departments maintain several records that can utilize the triple bottom line as a source of input data. The records can either be financial or non-financial. These records include the Net promoter score record that rates products based on customer feedback score. Customers are asked whether they would refer the service and why. The data obtained (reason for referral) should be measured against the Triple Bottom Line score-Profit, People, and Planet. The repurchase ratio record can utilize data from the TBL. A high repurchase ratio that the company is performing well on the TBL benchmarks since it divides repeat customers with one-time purchases. The upsell ratio record can utilize data from the TBL since it is a record of cross-selling or customers who have bought more products viz-a-viz those who have just bought one. An increase in upsells depicts a high level of customer trust which can only happen if the company is successfully pursuing the Triple Bottom Line. Customer lifetime value (CLV) records can also use TBL data. It considers the customer's average purchase value multiplied by his average purchasing frequency. TBL data can inform the improvement of sales, marketing, and product development processes. Customer Loyalty Index (CLI) is another sales and marketing record that can benefit from TBL data. Data related to customer loyalty over time can help score the company and products based on specific TBL-related benchmarks. Customer engagement score measures customer loyalty based on the extend of product use and engagement level and it's difficult to implement under the brick-and-motor framework (Barkemeyer et al., 2009).
1B. Evaluation of the plan and alignment to KPI using the 3BL scorecard
The strategic plan proposes the increase of rewards membership and specifically targets low-income markets. This sales and marketing strategy is informed by the national poverty income statistics derived from the Health and Human Services, U.S Bureau of statistics (James, Scerri, 2011). It's aligned to the KPI since it seeks to impact people through community contributions' based on loyalty points. Using People as the bottom line, the KPI, and the Triple Bottom Line has the objective of contributing to the community. The KPI for the bottom line is community contributions based on points achieved and plans to disburse up to $50,00 by EOY 2021. The second KPI is the disbursement of contributions to partner organizations e.g. schools based on profits and volume of their loyalty branded card transactions. The program's success is measured by the annual value of charitable contributions. The KPI of partner organizations has the objective of supporting 1000 organizations (schools etc) by EOY 2021. This Bottom line (people) is aligned to the strategic plan of increasing loyalty card memberships in low-income populations. The strategic plan identifies the target population as low-income populations who are either under-banked or unbanked (Slaper & Hall, 2011). Therefore a charitable, points-based system of contributing back to the community as stipulated in the KPI & TBL scorecard is aligned to the strategic plan. Still, the strategic plan, the KPI, and the TBL are aligned given since the loyalty program targets individuals and the community.
The school partnership program aims at enlisting 1000 schools by EOY 2021 to support people and profits. The benchmark for measuring success is the number of schools enrolled and receiving loyalty contributions. Based on the KPI and TBL scorecard, there is a direct connection with the strategic plan as it proposes that contributions be made to the community in which it operates based on points earned by community members.
The strategic plan proposes a reduction in the accounting costs as well as costs associated with the use of paper-based marketing techniques. The plan is associated with the KPI and TBL since it proposes the use of loyalty contributions to support organizations that promote the green initiative. The KPI & TBL both propose a reduction in packaging costs through the use of recycled materials to promote the use of a sustainable platform, recycling, and sustainable energy use. The objective of attaining a 3% reduction in the cost of packaging by EOY 2021 is aligned with the strategic plan since it proposes low-income persons as the target population. A reduction in the cost of packaging would cause a decline in product prices, making them attractive to the target population (Magee & Scerri, 2012). The KPI bottom-line of reducing operating expenses by cutting down the production costs by 5% by EOY 2021 will boost revenue and increase net profits. Lowly priced products will act as an incentive to attract and retain low-income consumers. It's aligned to the KPI & TBL since increased sales and revenue would translate to an increase in profits. With high profits, the company will is able to grow its market share and contribute more to the community.
The strategic plan is aligned with environmental sustainability as it supports environmentally friendly business practices. However, the KPI of growing the market share by 1% by EOY 2021 is consistent with the strategic plan even though it's not a sustainability KPI. The KPI of shifting to a sustainable production platform is aligned with the TBL since its objective is to reduce carbon emissions by 50% by the year 2031 and 5% by EOY 2021. A sustainable production platform is consistent with the planet's bottom-line since it will reduce the company's carbon footprint thereby improving the health of the surrounding communities.
1C. Ideas that support the KPI criteria and how they satisfy the criteria.
The ideas in the plan that supports the KPI criteria are:
1 The use of a loyalty point-based system to award points to individuals and the community. The community points earned will be released to the communi...
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