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Successful Practices for Workplace Communication Plan

Essay Instructions:

Option #1: Successful Practices for Workplace Communication Plan

Based on the weekly required readings, imagine a scenario within a team where poor communication, such as misunderstandings, inactive listening, playing The Blame Game, using intimidation tactics, etc. are prevalent. Also within this team, basic oral and written communication skills are sorely lacking. Team members often mispronounce key terms and jargon, use flawed grammar, and often write using acronyms and misspellings more suitable to text messaging than a professional workplace. All these indicators point to team members not being able to effectively write suitable memos or properly interact with customers.

To correct this situation, develop a plan in the form of a paper with at least three action items to move the team from poor communication to effective oral and written communication.

Research proven communication methods through four scholarly journal articles. Conclude the plan with justification as to why the three action items are your preferred choices.

Make sure your well-developed plan includes critical thinking in which leadership communication is demonstrated, in conjunction with scholarly writing attributes and professionalism.

Your well-written paper must adhere to the following parameters:

4-5-pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.

Cite six references, with at least four being scholarly references. Remember, you must support your claims and/or assertions and prior knowledge with references; all facts must be supported; in-text references used throughout the assignment must be included in an APA-formatted reference list.

Your submission must conform to APA guidelines in the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

Review the grading rubric within this assignment for more detail on how this assignment will be graded.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Successful Practices for Workplace Communication Plan
(Student’s Name)
(Institution Affiliation)
(Professor’s Name)
Successful Practices for Workplace Communication Plan
Effective communication is an essential factor in stimulating productivity in the workplace. Poor communication is detrimental to a business by reducing the performance of the employees. Therefore, an organization should develop strategic plans to promote effective communication to optimize performance and gain a competitive edge in the market. Poor communication at the workplace has spillover effects on both existing and potential business customers, as employees have no motivation to perform better. Understanding the causes of poor communication forms the root of developing strategies for good communication. Factors attributing to stifling effective communication include poor leadership, toxic organizational culture, employee personal issues, and clearly stated objectives. Employees look up to business leaders for direction at the workplace, where poor leadership is likely to reduce the incentive of employees to communicate effectively. Cultural diversification at the workplace has grown immensely due to globalization, where the organizational culture unites the different beliefs and attitudes of all employees (Ahyia & Agyin, 2014). As a result, in an organization with poor organizational culture, its effects are likely to be passed over to employees joining the company.
Poor communication derails the performance of an organization by influencing the attitude of an employee negatively concerning performance. Poor communication leads to misunderstanding at the workplace, where employees do not have a precise understanding of their responsibilities and expectations. As a result, employees end up being confused and hence underperform. Additionally, poor communication has been associated with suppressing creativity and innovation at the workplace. Organizations can use three major tools to promote effective communication (Campbell et al., 2020). These are organizational culture, leadership, and human resource policies.
Organizational culture is a system of values, beliefs, and ways of doing things shared by the employees of an organization. It influences how people behave in an organization, level of cooperation, communication style, and the basis for which employees handle other organization stakeholders, including its customers. Organizational culture is made of stories and myths, power structure, routine and rituals, and organizational structure. The organization's historical information relating to the organization is passed to other employees joining the organization, comprising stories and myths. Routine and rituals represent how things are done in an organization. Therefore, improving communication through organizational culture involves changing these components. Culture defines how a person perceives information depending on who passes the information. To change this perception, an organization needs to change it's to change its organizational culture to enhance the relationship between employees and create a formal way of power and authority flow. Additionally, an organization should change routines and rituals that impede effective communication at the workplace. Rituals and routines are not justified by effectiveness but through the customary relationship between various activities in an organization (Halvor, 2020). An organization should restructure these rituals and routines to adopt a more convenient mode of passing information.
Changing the organizational paradigm of culture will aid an organization to unravel major problems impeding effective communication. Poor organizational culture is associated with assumptions, incomplete answers, and failure to countercheck messages before delivery. Making assumptions arises when a person is expected to perform a certain task and act in a way not defined in the responsibilities and expectations of a person. An incomplete answer is a situation in which an employee or a manager does not give complete information relating to a matter requiring the action of an employee, leaving them confused. Failure to countercheck messages arises when an employee makes a written message without verifying to check for errors and inappropriate language (Halvor, 2020). These situations have the effect of distorting communication and which can be avoided through restructuring the organizational culture.
Leadership is the ability of a leader to influence the action of other stakeholders in the organization positively. Therefore, a good leader should be able to ensure that all employees get accurate and timely information required for opti...
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