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SWOT Analysis: Using Social Media for Education and Caregiving

Essay Instructions:

Please read the Client Project Description, our client is The Design and Development team within Professional Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE).

I've provided several links in the doc.

Then please finish the SWOT ANALYSIS:

A.conduct the research necessary to discuss sections of a situation analysis of PR & promotional analysis. Please follow the sub-sections in part A. (refer to the PESO model from the PPT I attached)

B.then Synthesize the information from the completed situation analysis into a SWOT analysis. (refer to the SWOT model from PPT as well)

C. Conclude: one paragraph conclusion will be fine.

EM777 Client Project Description

Project 4: Using social media for education and caregiving


The Design and Development team within Professional Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE)

Project description: 

The Design and Development team within HGSE aims to provide transformative adult learning experiences by bringing together diverse professionals, connecting them with each other and with HGSE’s leading faculty and research, and engaging them in important problems of practice. Specifically, the team designs and offers education programs for audiences such as pre-kindergarten through secondary school teachers, administrators, and curriculum leaders; higher education faculty and administrators; and parents and caregivers. Due to the pandemic, the team has to shift all of their offline programs and conferences to online meetings. Despite the challenges, this change provides an opportunity for them to reconsider their program’s audiences, scope, and formalities.

Among other goals, the Design and Development team aims to more effectively use social media to support learning experiences for educators and caregivers worldwide. To this end, they seek to better understand how their target audiences are already using social media for learning and development.

Potential research methods:

Quantitative content analysis, social media analysis (e.g., Twitter, Instagram)

Potential theories/concepts:

Education and communication, public sphere, opinion leadership


Early Child programs

K-12 programs

Higher Education programs

Online programs


Usable knowledge(can choose focus areas and audiences)

Research stories


News and announcement( online info session)






A. Conduct the research necessary to discuss sections of a situation analysis listed below.

1)     PR & promotional analysis (where are stories appearing, what is the brand currently doing promotionally; what works and what does not)

  • What are the organization’s current PR partnerships?
  • Is earned/shared media present?
  • What is the organization currently doing promotionally (what’s working, what is not)?
  • Consider the PESO (the entire collection of their Paid, Earned, Shared, and Owned media) model.
  • Is anything they’re currently doing or not doing that’s actually hurting them?

B. Synthesize the information from the completed situation analysis into a SWOT analysis, that is, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. You should include as much of the information listed above as you can, arranged in a SWOT analysis using the appropriate SWOT headings. Although most of the information should organize itself into the SWOT analysis, it may be up to you to determine where some of the information falls. This is good! But, please make sure to justify why you see that information as whichever SWOT component you choose.

C.  Conclude this paper with problems your client faces in light of what you have learned about them. This may include limited awareness, decreased sales, a negative brand image, etc. Make sure to provide evidence for your claim using various news archives, other external resources, or information your client has provided you with. The problems identified should be closely aligned with anticipated research questions. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

SWOT Analysis: Using Social Media for Education and Caregiving
Your Name
Subject and section
Professor’s Name
Situation Analysis
The Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) is currently in partnership with the Design and Development team to enhance the graduate students’ learning experiences by improving the connection within the faculty and research center and providing real-life problems. To enhance the school’s reputation and to encourage students to enroll in early childhood, K-12, higher education, and graduate school programs, HGSE utilized earned, owned, and shared media (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) (HSGE, 2009; HSGE, 2015; Webber, 2016; Walsh, 2017). Currently, the school benefits from this strategy by widening its reach.
HGSE used various media methods, including shared, owned, and earned media. Mostly, earned media was facilitated due to shared media. Some shared media strategies include Facebook advertisements, posts, live, Instagram, and Twitter live to disseminate information. Because we live in an era where technology dominates the public, almost all people know and understand how to navigate social media sites. This is especially true for the younger population who can be easily trained to use the said applications. Walsh (2017) studied kids’ and teens’ reactions in an Instagram simulation and found out that the subjects’ interpretation of the shared media matters more than the browsing experience. Notably, the subjects’ interpretation is based on how they compare themselves with what they have read. This proves that the younger population has a good understanding of shared media.
Owned media created by experts show validated information. It can be easily accessible on their website, which has excellent navigation quality and web content. Additionally, their owned media is led by experts, researchers, and an information technology department.
The use of shared media, such as Instagram, can result in negative perceptions and emotions because while the user is browsing, the contents revealed cannot be regulated by HGSE, unless it is the content creator, which in this case is not ...
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