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Sustainability Imperative Practices

Essay Instructions:

Assessment 1: Sustainable Business Analysis (60%) – individual
Assessment task 1: Sustainable Business Analysis (60%) – Individual
Due: 23:59 Sunday 19 September (end of week 7) via Turnitin
Learning Objective(s): 2 and 3.
In this major assessment you will examine how major organisations are responding to the sustainability imperative in practice. Your task is to critically assess and compare and contrast the performance of two organisations in the same sector, drawing on the frameworks and concepts discussed in the subject and your own research.
You will select two organisations within the same sector from the list provided. These are all major listed organisations for which there is plenty of publicly available information and analysis. The core analytical framework which you must use is the UTS ‘phase model’ which is the basis of our required text. The assessment comprises a set of questions which relate to successive lecture topics based on this model. For each question I have provided some suggested prompts. Note that you are expected to draw on the detail of the required text, other pre-learning, lecture and tutorial material. You are also expected to provide additional insights from your own research of professional and academic resources – see the Q&A below.
Write your answers in report format and use APA referencing style. This is a concise analysis – write no more than 2000 words in total.
Research Question 1 (15%): sustainability framing
This first question is your reflective summary of how the two organisations express their engagement with the sustainability imperative. For example:
How do you assess the concepts (sustainability, CSR, shared value etc) they use?
To what extent are sustainability issues reflected in vision and mission statements, or strategic objectives?
Are the executives and board members vocal advocates for sustainability issues (or not)?
Overall, how do you critically assess the story each company tells about sustainability?
Research Question 2 (15%): compliance and efficiency phases
How do you critically assess each organisation in comparison to the characteristics of these two phases? For example:
What are the most material sustainability issues for your organisations?
What does sustainability compliance mean in the context of these two organisations?
Are the organisations engaging in any sustainability efficiency practices?
What (if any) form of sustainability reporting does the organisation undertake? How do you assess the quality of this? How could it be improved?
Research Question 3 (15%): strategic phase
How do you critically assess each organisation in comparison to the characteristic of the strategic phase? As part of your analysis, summarise your use of the ‘indicators of strategic sustainability’ template Download ‘indicators of strategic sustainability’ templatewhich is provided as a resource.
Research Question 4 (15%) overall assessment and potential transition to the ‘ideal’ phase
Firstly, what is your overall critical assessment of the two companies according to the phase model? For example, you might include:
What are the key differences between the organisations?
Can you identify global best practice in the sector? What are the defining characteristics of this best practice and how do your organisations compare?
Secondly, are your case organisations likely to become ‘ideal’ corporations? Use both the phase model and the Sustainable Business Typology by Dyllick & Muff (2016) introduced in the subject.
For example:
If so, how? If not, why not?
Identify any barriers and drivers in the global and local environment that may affect these companies in becoming ‘ideal’ corporations.
Assessment criteria
Assessment will be according to the following criteria – note the emphasis on the connection to theoretical concepts, and the critical perspective expected. Pure description is insufficient and will lead to a fail of the assessment based on these criteria.
Application of key theoretical concepts to analyse sustainability practice (45%)
Critically evaluate sustainability principles and apply to the business context (35%)
Quality of analysis derived from evidence (20%)
Q: Should I answer the questions separately, or in an integrated format? A: The format is up to you, but you have a limited word count and the need to demonstrate a critical and concise analysis.
Q: How tight is the word count? A: Very tight. I will not mark beyond 2000 words. The task is to provide a concise, critical analysis of these organisations, guided by the above questions.
Q: What professional and academic resources should I use? A: This is a research exercise and your task is to find industry and academic resources which are insightful in the context of your analysis. You should cite: relevant readings and materials from the subject, from your case organisations (e.g. sustainability reports), and other industry and academic resources.
The industry resources which are relevant will vary by sector. Start with the resources provided in the subject (Week 1 on the Canvas site).
Limit your academic references to clearly relevant citations from quality journals (see list below) which support your specific points and arguments. Using poorly chosen or irrelevant citations will be penalised and you may fail the assessment.
Relevant journals:
Academy of Management Annals
Academy of Management Journal
Academy of Management Perspectives
Academy of Management Review
Business and Society
Business Strategy and the Environment
Harvard Business Review
International Journal of Management Reviews
Journal of Business Ethics
Journal of Cleaner Production
MIT Sloan Management Review
Organization and Environment
Strategic Organization
(The journal ‘Sustainability’ is a paid-for, open access journal and is not preferred)
UTS ‘phase model’ is based , see the lecture pdf

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sustainability Imperative Practices
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Sustainability Imperative Practices
Corporate sustainability is an integral part of organizational growth and success. In the past two decades, organizations across the globe have embraced corporate sustainability as an alternative to the conventional profit-maximization management model. Corporate sustainability is a relatively new and evolving management model that focuses on developing and maintaining long-term stakeholder value while at the same time focusing promoting ethical conduct, social well-being, economic stability, governance, environmental issues of the community around the organization (Festus et al., 2017). Sustainable development prioritizes social justice and equity, environmental protection, corporate accountability, and economic growth. This report aims to examine, assess and compare and contrast how Woolworths Group and Carrefour Group respond to sustainability imperative. Both Woolworths Group and Carrefour Group are retail corporations that operate in retail stores in different nations. Woolworths Group is headquartered in Bella Vista, Australia, and operates primarily in Australia and New Zealand (Woolworths Group, n.d). Carrefour Group has its headquarters in France and has retail stores in more than 30 countries (Carrefour Group, n.d). Companies that comply with sustainability imperative practices focus on corporate social responsibility, economic empowerment, environmental protection and conservation, and shared stakeholder value.
Sustainability Framing
Sustainability imperative practices are characterized by corporate social responsibility, commitment to people, and shared values. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is increasingly adopted as a strategic tool for management in smaller enterprises and large corporations (Nicolaides, 2018). CSR involves the way an organization conducts itself to become socially caring, ethical, and economically lucrative, and law-abiding. Woolworths Group and Carrefour Group are committed to corporate social responsibility. Woolworths Group has innovative strategies that focus on improving animal welfare and access to seafood, eliminate the use of genetically modified foods, and mitigate climate change. The company also promotes a circular economy through recyclable packaging, reduced plastic bag usage, and zero food waste programs (Woolworths Group, n.d). Similarly, Carrefour Group is at the forefront of creating awareness about sustainability through corporate responsibility. The corporation through its environmental strategies reduced the emission of carbon dioxide by 28 % between 2010 and 2018; it cut back packaging materials by 1867 tons and increased recycling by 67% (Carrefour Group, n.d). Woolworths Group and Carrefour Group are corporations that attribute their success to corporate social responsibility. They employ similar strategies to respond to the issues that affect society and transform lives.
Corporations are expected to integrate sustainability issues in their vision, mission, organizational units, and all levels of management (Kiesnere, & Baumgartner, 2019).The integration process should consider the organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses, design plans, long-term objectives, policies, and long-term objectives. Additionally, it should integrate external developments and projects that benefit the stakeholders and communities in its vision and mission. Woolworths Group’s corporate vision is “to create better experiences together for a better tomorrow” through its products, services that bring everyday needs ecosystem, and food together (Woolworths Group, n.d). The vision of Carrefour Group is “to make Carrefour a business that is recognized and loved for helping its customers and consumers enjoy a better quality of life, each and every day”(Carrefour Group, n.d). Each of the companies has integrated sustainability in their vision statements since plan to improve the quality of life and create better experiences by focusing on service provision and value creation. Carrefour Group has integrated sustainability in its mission and vision betters than Woolworths Group. The former has three values which include caring, being positive, and staying committed while the latter does not state specifies its values and priority.
Sustainable development demands effective leadership and strategic management. According to Nicholson and Kurucz (2019), relational leadership practices are essential in dealing with the complex and increasingly urgent socio-economic and environmental issues that ensure growth and sustainability. Relational leadership is characterized by moral consciousness and ethical understanding of society’s needs. Carrefour Group has leaders that are committed to the product transition and organizational transformation plan (Carrefour Group, n.d). The leaders prioritize sustainable development by promoting environmental conservation and corporate social responsibility. The board of directors of the company consists of 9 members that oversee various activities in the organization to ensure sustainability. The chief executive officer of Carrefour Group, Alexandre Bompard is particularly encouraging the employees to focus on activities that would result in sustainable outcomes. Woolworths Group has leadership with a unique approach to sustainability. Unlike Carrefour Group’s leadership, Woolworths Group intends to achieve sustainability by promoting social equity. The company promotes cultural diversity and inclusion and advocates for gender equality and equal treatment of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples within the company (Woolworths Group, 2021). Woolworths Group’s leadership particularly focuses on people's well-being as a sustainability imperative practice.
Although Woolworths Group and Carrefour Group show a positive response to sustainability, some of their strategies and focus are different. Overall, Woolworths Group prioritizes social equity and environmental conservation as strategies to achieve corporate sustainability. According to the corporation’s 2021 sustainability report the company believes in gender equality and cultural inclusion as the key factors in sustainability. On the other hand, Carrefour Group has a more collective approach to sustainability through the implementation of its CSR policies occupational safety, human rights, combating corruption, and eliminating pollution (Carrefour Group, 2020). Each company prioritizes its sustainability practices based on its current situation and the challenges faced by the communities around it.
Compliance and Efficiency Phases
Companies that align their plans with the provision of the millennium sustainable development goals are more likely to achieve organizational success. Most governments and communities identify with the 17 sustainable development goals which provide the ideal requirements of sustainability. Previous studies reveal that the major challenge is that corporations do not have clear guidance on how to operationalize and realize the development goals through strategic management and corporate sustainability (Ike et al., 2019). In the compliance phase, organizations focus on reducing the risks of failing to meet the community standards and legal requirements. They are compelled to prioritize to meet acceptable standards. Although all the sustainable development goals are equally important, corporations are expected to interpret, prioritize, and implement the goals depending on the needs of the people they serve and the social and economic status of the surrounding community.
Prioritizing sustainability strategies help in maximizing the impact of the products and services of...
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