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Human Resource Management and Stakeholders

Essay Instructions:

Students will write a paper (no more than 5 pages, double-spaced) discussing the importance of

HRM and the responsibility for HRM within an organization.

Directions for Assignment Completion:

Review the PPT slides entitled “Understanding the Global Business Environment” and

“Strategic HRM” to get an understanding of the importance of the people resource to an

organization’s success and how strategic human resource management can assist the

organization in achieving the organization’s mission.

With the understanding that human resource management refers to the techniques or

actions used to manage the people resource in an organization, and that the purpose of

HRM is to gain competitive advantage and maintain uniqueness for the organization in the

marketplace, discuss who is responsible for HRM in an organization. In your discussion

ensure that you justify your answer with sound reasoning. Also explain why you think HRM is

one of the most critical management functions in organizations today.

NB. This paper is not a research paper which identifies what journal articles or websites of

consulting firms indicate as the person, position, or department responsible for HRM or why

HRM is an important management function. You are to discuss your thoughts on who you

think should be responsible for developing and implementing HRM (“the techniques or

actions used to manage the people resource”) and why these actions are critical for the

success of the organization in a globally competitive marketplace. Your mark will be based

on how well you articulate your thoughts and arguments.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human Resource Management
Course code:
Human Resource Management
Human resource management is a collective name used to describe systems an organization puts into helping manage the employees and other stakeholders. The department is tasked with responsibilities such as recruitment, the delegation of tasks, and the compensation of the employees. Since the 1980s, the position of HRM has transformed significantly from the task-oriented requirements of the past. In today's world, the position has acquired new dimensions, such as managing the climate and culture of an organization. In addition, it acts as the gatekeeper for the level of commitment and competence needed from employees and everyone else involved in the organization. This paper discusses the importance of the HRM position, its responsibilities, and how it affects other departments.
According to Andrew Carnegie, you can strip him of his factories, transportation, railroads, and money but leave him with his employees. He believes that in two years, he will have all the resources back. He is appreciative of the influence of people on the success or decline of a company. According to Leopold and Harris, people bring in capabilities and potential necessary for the strategic continuation of operations. Therefore, human resources or people are the critical centerpieces in any activity conducted by the HR department. Strategic management is dependent on individuals and their willingness to stay on once with the organization's vision and mission. The HR department is responsible for managing the employees and stakeholders to ensure the business reaches its goal.
Streamlining the business is another aspect reserved for the HR department, such as working towards cost reduction, recruitment, and retention of employees. Training and acquiring employees is a challenging and costly endeavor; therefore, the HR department ensures the company retains the majority of its employees. Current employees are well-versed with the operations of a business; therefore, it is costly to replace them. Also, there is a factor of
Completion of employees can strengthen the competitors if previous employees decide to go and work for other companies.
Interactivity in the origination also falls in the jurisdiction of HRM. During training, the aspects of collaboration and communication are emphasized to the new employee hopefuls. There is also a high focus on the improvement of the employee-employer relationship. Such a situation contributes to the positive growth of employees within the company, consequently influencing employee satisfaction and productivity. Furthermore, interactivity in an organization is critical in creating a culture of togetherness that is responsible for increased productivity. Therefore, the HR department is responsible for organizing activities, events, and celebrations in the organization, allowing everyone involved to utilize the team-building experiences.
Conflict is always a possibility in a space where employees can have conflicting viewpoints. A little bit of back a fort is not discouraged; as a matter of fact, employees are encouraged to stand their ground and defend their opinion. Such an approach allows the employees to challenge each other's ideas, inspiring them to create more efficient alternatives. However, some personalities are unpredictable, and conflicts can escalate into ...
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