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Challenge: Technology Team Leadership

Essay Instructions:

Technology Team Leadership -----You are a full-time student.
SMART – Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant and Time-bound, increasing your likelihood to succeed in it. Your challenge must be of leadership in nature with interpersonal relations as a component. You can’t be a leader if operating in isolation. Leadership is a contact sport.
In order to be SMART, your challenge must:
---Be specific, actionable and time-bound, achievable within the next 6-12 months. It can also be part of a larger professional challenge or project, the subset that you want to complete within 6-12 months.
---Have clear, measurable results (e.g., improve relations with… to get/obtain….; getting a promotion by…; making team …. perform better by…; grow customer base by…; RESULTING IN reduction in loss of $... due to …; savings of $.... by…. )
---Be relevant/important to motivate you to dedicate to its implementation
Select a challenge that you wish to accomplish, overcome, or anticipate you will need to address in the near future, and to which you want to apply what you learn in this course. It must be something important for you, in which you really want to succeed and that requires effort. It should NOT be something you are close to achieving, or that you are certain to accomplish. It is unlikely that you will make progress or dedicate if it is just a chore, something someone you were told to do, that is easily attainable, or that is not your priority.
Answer following questions:
1. If I could accomplish just one major professional/leadership challenge in the next 6-12 months, what would it be?
2. When I think about this challenge, do I get excited about the prospect of working on it and succeeding?
3. How much am I willing to dedicate/sacrifice in order to be accomplish it?
4. Am I motivated to achieve this challenge because it is important, or is it something that I would do just to please other people?
5. How can I leverage course learning and interactions? (e.g., peer coaching from classmates, advice from faculty, course content, etc.)
Before submitting your challenge:
1) Verify that it meets selection criteria by checking boxes below:
My challenge
1_ Requires effort/work. I am not certain or close to achieving it
2_ Is something I wish to accomplish, overcome or anticipate I will need to address in the near future (6-12 months)
3_Is important for me, that I really want to succeed in. I am willing to dedicate and sacrifice in order to be successful
4_Is of leadership in nature, involving interpersonal relations. Something to which I can will apply course content
5_ Is SMART – Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant and Time-bound
6_ Will enable me to leverage course content, relations and advice from faculty

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership Challenge
Course code:
As a full-time student, I can appreciate the stress that education places on students. Navigating the social and educational aspects of school life can take its toll on any individual to the point of being overwhelmed. Therefore, as a leadership challenge, I intend to advocate for increased support, treatment, and reducing stigma surrounding mental illness in schools. The challenge will be conducted in 6-12 months, starting with my current school.
The prospect of succeeding gives me much joy but mostly hope for upcoming generations as they try to navigate themselves into adulthood. School is a dominant factor in shaping the life experiences of an individual CITATION Men20 \l 1033 (Mental health in schools, 2020). My school journey has seen its highs and lows, which has only added pressur...
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