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Successful Organizational Change Process

Essay Instructions:

Guidelines and Strategies:

The student is to read the Kotter article, Leading Change: Why Transforming Efforts Fail, by John P. Kotter and the HBR Press chapter entitled, Are You Change-Ready?: Preparing for Organizational Change assigned in Week 4.

Sources used must only be from the articles mentioned above.

Kotter describes in detail why change efforts fail. Additionally, the article Are You Change-Ready?: Preparing for Organizational Change describes the three key conditions that must be present it an organization is to successfully address change.

For Week 4 the student is to create a scenario where, after being hired by The Valley Company (maker of high-performance mountain bikes) as a Change Management Consultant. The consultant (you, the student) will be meeting with a group of senior executives and senior level managers (as describe below in items 1-5) to discuss the company's issues and challenges in addressing organizational change. The paper you write as a consultant hired by The Valley Company, should explore, discuss, and strategize about how to understand organizational change, how to manage a change process, and the conditions that must be addressed at The Valley Company if the change process is to move forward successfully. The Valley Company you have been invited to present to has 300 emplovees with multiple leaders and managers across departments

Here Is the situation students must consider as they design and write their paper:

1.)This organization has a history of not being successful with organizational change initiatives. All efforts previously have been disorganized and not clearly

2.)communicated across the organization which has set the change process up for failure before it really begins.

3.)These senior leaders and managers have had a difficult time moving in a clear direction because each leader and manager has their strong opinions on how change should be introduced and pushed through the organization. The tension and stress among the senior leadership team is palpable. Even though many change ideas have been good, the process has consistently been flawed leaving most employees with a negauve bias loward any change introduced by the leadership and management team.

4.)As a result, this organization is starting to lose talented employees who feel as though any change is doomed to failure because those responsible for any change are not able to agree on the best path forward. There are major flaws and strong feelings within the organization that it is impossible for the organization to move forward because they are not able to capitalize on any needed, necessary, and opportunistic change


5.)These leaders and managers will need ideas, clear direction, support, encouragement and honest conversation to implement strategies and approaches that will help address the issue of why their change initiatives tend to fail and the solutions that will help them successful launch and manage the change process in the future

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organizational Change
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Successful Organizational Change Process
Valley company bears a history of unsuccessful organizational change initiatives. Failures have been attributed to poor communication of a change process by the initiators and the managers across the entire organization, disunity and difference in opinions among the senior leaders and managers, and lack of confidence and optimism in the change process by the leaders. For a change process to be successful, it should be skillfully managed. Preparation and planning need to be molded to fit the desired change with consideration of the company's culture. My main goals are to; 1. Help valley company establish a synergetic relationship among the leaders and between leaders and employees, 2. Ensure commitment to the change process, 3. Help the company realize the change by spearheading the process, and 4. Ensure the change becomes part of the company's culture by using a strategy that is accurate as possible
Managing a Change Process
In order to be failure proof, I formulated strategies that would govern the change process. A vision, an action plan, and tools to assess readiness and the impact of the change process. Leadership bears a great responsibility in realizing a change process. Respected leaders can command an initiative toward success (HBR, 2006); hence leadership support and involvement are essential. Identifying key players, the leaders, and employees, and their capabilities in their positions to bring about change and acquiring resources needed to support the whole process. I discussed the change process plan's outline, proposals, objectives, resources required (financial-estimate budget, technical or human resource.), estimated timeline for the process, risks/limitations anticipated, and laid down criteria for identifying success. The criteria were to assess if the initiative was embraced, if there was progress and adherence to plans laid, if there was a performance improvement and if the vision set was being realized. I gave short time goals and long-term goals (Kotter, 2022). The short goals acted as a test for the success of the overall process and to convince adamant leaders that the process was possible and beneficial. It was also to ensure focus and prevent impatience as results were realized in time and prevented the return of old habits (HBR, 2006). I identified leaders that were motivated and selected them to help lead the change process. Possible obstacles derailing a change can be in different forms, people who...
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