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Study Preparation, Data Collection, and Topic Selection

Essay Instructions:

Use the attached Wk3-4 template. Prepare a 1000 word document analyzing case study data collection preparation and data collection focusing on the six sources of evidence. The assignment should cover key issues identified in the week’s readings and incorporate current research on the topic. At the end of the document, discuss the evidence relevant to your topic and use literature to support.

Remember to support your work with APA-formatted references and ensure the document complies with all APA formatting. I encourage you to also use academic, peer- review resources within your assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Study Preparation, Data Collection, and Topic Selection
Your Name Subject
Study Preparation, Data Collection, and Topic Selection
Case studies are instrumental in examining the phenomenon. Through them, researchers can understand issues more profoundly. This paper will demonstrate the study preparation, data collection, and topic selection. The researcher will illustrate the process of preparing for the case study. The data collection method employed will be highlighted. The information derived from the annotated bibliography will be used to support the evidence provided.
Case Study Collection Preparation
Case study collection preparation commenced with a review of “Case study research: Design and methods” by Yin. In the book, Yin (2009) outlines the processes of case design while demonstrating how each step needs the investigator to reexamine the former decisions. The book was instrumental in demonstrating the most appropriate data collection methods for a case study. This research will not need the permission of the APUS Institutional Review Board (IRB) because it does not involve human subjects. The data will be collected from primary and secondary sources, not human subjects. Priest, Segrott, Green & Rout (2007) demonstrate the essence of collaboration in research. The authors indicate the need to collaborate with other researchers when dealing with larger case study projects. This will be helpful throughout the case study project since the researcher will constantly engage with the instructor to ensure the paper meets the required standards.
Data Collection and the Six Sources of Evidence
The case study will collect data from secondary sources regarding the 1900 Galveston hurricane. The sources will be analyzed to ensure that they are credible. Peer review articles will be prioritized since they are a reliable source of information. The materials that are irrelevant to the 1900 Galveston hurricane and disaster management will be eliminated. At the same time, the sources will be examined to ensure that they are unbiased. The authors must examine more than one perspective on the issue under investigation.
Evidence Relevant to Your Event
According to Fischer, Halibozek & Walters (2019), planning for every possible contingency is a daunting task. This is because various disasters can occur in an organization. An attempt to plan for all of them would be too expensive for an entity. Instead, grouping contingencies and planning accordingly is the most viable option. At the same time, organizations should acknowledge that disasters are imminent (Goza, 2017). At the same time, the business should be ready to upgrade its contingency plans to suit the current circumstances. For instance, nuclear contamination was not a concern before the 20th century. However, countries with nuclear plants and their business should have contingency plans. While contingency planning was not traditionally considered a security process, today’s business environment forces the security organization to assume a more significant role in planning and implementation.
Organizations need to craft strategies and implement continence measures to ensure business continuity. The 1900 Galveston hurricane, one of America’s deadliest natural disasters, demonstrates why entries should have the appropriate measures in place. One of the most neglected areas in disasters is communications and emergency management. When disasters occur, organizations may have challenges communicating the incidence internally and externally. At the same time, managing the organization during an emergency could be problematic, especially if an organization did not have prior preparation Goza (2017). When disasters occur, organizations may have challenges communicating the incidence internally and externally. Without proper communication, it is challenging to coordinate activities. Further, organizations cannot manage the information that goes into the public domain. At the same time, managing the organization during an emergency could be problematic, especially if an organization did not have prior preparation. Consequently, organiza...
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