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The Orientation Plan for the Industry Disrupter

Essay Instructions:

The Orientation Plan for the Industry Disrupter

The following Course Outcome is assessed in this assignment:

HR400-5: Develop an orientation plan to use when onboarding new employees.

Introduction: Starting new employees by orienting them to the company, department, and the job they will perform are all important. In this assignment, you will develop an orientation plan by addressing the checklist items pertaining to the fictional scenario.

Scenario (fictional):

The RoboCleaner (RC) Company has disrupted the cleaning service industry as the founder has created robots that can clean anyone’s home or office. The robots can dust, mop, scrub floors, clean bathrooms, and do all the vacuuming at any time of day or night.

The company’s mission and vision statements are:

Mission: We value your time, so we do the cleaning up.

Vision: We will provide more leisure time for all.

You are the human resource manager for this 300-employee robotic cleaning service company, and you would like to start a new employee orientation program. Currently, the following position is being hired due to overwhelming demand: In-home and in-office customer service representatives (CSRs) who are in charge of training customers to use the robots and following up to make sure the customer is satisfied. The trainers must be able to deal with both types of customers (private homes and organizations) and provide the simple instructions customers need to start using their robotic cleaners. They also take customer service calls to help customers troubleshoot easily remedied problems. They refer more technical problems to the technical maintenance departments’ robot technicians.


Develop an orientation plan for onboarding new employees addressing the following:

Provide three reasons for conducting employee orientation.

Outline what would be covered in the orientation, including the topics and at least ten (10) items prioritized.

Plan the length of the program, who will conduct it, and what formats will be used.

Describe how you would incorporate a Web-based component into the program.

Access the Unit 9 Assignment grading rubric.

Additional requirements:

This assignment should be a 2–3-page Word document, in addition to the title and reference pages.

It must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, grammar, and mechanics.

Respond to the topics in a thorough manner, providing specific examples where asked.

Your paper should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.

Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.

A separate page at the end of your research paper should contain a list of references in current APA format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the Internet for research.

Be sure to cite where appropriate and reference all sources. Your sources and content should follow current APA format. Review the APA formats found in the Writing Center.

Review the grading rubric to ensure all points have been captured in the paper.

Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

Be sure to respond to all topics using the critical elements listed in the assignment checklist. Submit your assignment in a Word document by the end of the unit to the Unit 9 Assignment Dropbox. Make sure to save a copy of your work and be sure to confirm that your file uploaded correctly.

Disclaimer: This exercise may include actual companies and brand names solely for instructional purposes; this exercise is not associated with any such actual company or brand name. All trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Orientation Plan for the Industry Disrupter
The orientation program is a necessary step for organizations to introduce new incumbents to organizational mission, vision, code of conducts, team members, and job roles. The process allows new talents to understand their fit with the organization and develop relevance with the work environment (SHRM, 2022). Orientation involves different steps to increase commitment toward job roles and mitigate ambiguities within the workplace environment. The program also mitigates talent turnover by initiating communication exchange and building trust (Verlinden, 2021). This report aims to create an orientation program for RoboCleaner Co. (RC) and increase productivity in new talents.
Three Reasons
RoboCleaner Co. (RC) Orientation Plan
Introductory Meeting
The orientation program is a systematic process to onboard new talents by placing them on the right destinations and providing the necessary tools to conduct job roles. The orientation program would contain the following aspects, sequenced according to the priority:
* Welcome Speech: RC team would introduce new incumbents to the organisation's mission, vision, and code of conduct. New resources must understand the long-term objectives, work culture, and boundaries while working with RC.
* Announcement of New Team Members: The relevant team must receive awareness and a formal introduction to initiate professional bonding with the new resources. This phase would initiate interactions between new and experienced team members. RC team must provide adequate time to ensure healthy communication exchange.
* Team Leader Introduction: This phase would assign a team leader to the new resources. New resources must receive formal interactions with the reporting authority and exchange personality natures to maintain a healthy professional relationship.
* Office Access and Navigation: The team must ensure the new resources are aware of the facility. The team should provide facility tours to the new resources, introduce them to different teams, and build cross-team relationships, which is important in the latter stages.
* Building Official Emails: Credentials and Identities: RC team must utilize an orientation program to deploy necessary credentials, such as system logins, identity cards (IDs), and other tools important for conducting the job roles. The team should avoi...
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