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Strategic Human Resources Management

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Overview

Type: Discussion Board

Unit: Job Analysis

Due Date: Thu,1/5/23

Grading Type: Numeric

Points Possible: 75

Points Earned: Points Earnednot available

Deliverable Length: 300–500 words

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Assignment Description

Primary Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:

Strategic human resources management is a movement within the field of HR that applies a more strategic approach to the management of human resources. As organizations move more toward this model, there are many considerations that a company should make before implementing it. Click on this link to learn more about strategic human resources management.

With your fellow classmates, please discuss the following questions:

If you were an HR manager in a company, would you encourage strategic HR management? Why or why not?

Do the benefits of strategic HR management outweigh the barriers to its implementation? Why or why not?

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If I were an HR manager in a company, I would encourage strategic HR management. Strategic human resource management (SHRM) is critical to any successful business as it aligns HR objectives with the overall organizational strategy (Garavan et al., 2016). By focusing on the organization's long-term goals, SHRM allows HR to serve better its purpose of supporting the overall mission and vision of the company. Strategic HR management can help to ensure that the organization's HR policies, procedures, and practices are tailored to the objectives of the organization (Krishnan, 2019).
Strategic management allows HR to be more effective in providing the necessary resources and support to help the organization succeed (Ahammad et al., 2020). By creating an HR strategy tailored to the organization's specific needs, HR can better ensure that the organization can meet its desired outcomes and objectives. In addition, SHRM is important in developing an effective workforce. By understanding the organization's goals and objectives, HR can better align its recruitment and retention strategies to ensure that the right people are hired and retained. Understanding the goals and objectives of HR can lead to greater employee engagement and productivity, which can ultimately lead to improved financial results for the organization (Ahammad et al., 2020). Finally, strategic HR management can help ensure that the organization complies with all applicable laws and regulations. By understanding the legal requirements that apply to the organization, HR can better ensure that the organization is following all of the necessary regulations and laws. HR can help to protect the organization from potential liability and legal issues.
Strategic HR management is a powerful tool to help organizations reach their full potential. It is the process of aligning HR practices and policies wit...
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