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Sports Observation Management Research Paper Essay

Essay Instructions:

Sports Administration and Planning Sports Observation Report Learning Objectives The purpose of this report is to discover how you will view sports differently moving forward. I can’t go to a game, an event, or even a concert without looking around. I observe where they have security stationed, where the food and beverage carts are, who if anyone was nice/mean to me, did the ushers help me out, were they even paying attention, etc. You hear the saying, “Never work for your favorite team,” and this is one of the reasons why. As you grow your sports career, you will not be able to shut it off. Due to the timing of this assignment, I will allow you to watch an event on TV; however, I am telling you this will be much easier if you go to an event. I would like to require you to go to an event, but I don’t want to require you to spend money on an event. It is worth going to an event, grades are always higher for the people who go to events. You just have the ability to capture so much more. If you do watch an event on TV feel free to write about the commercials, when they took a break in the action, what sponsorship you saw, etc. If you go to an event you can talk about everything I do when I go to events plus much more. Either way I am looking for you to cover 5-7 observations and how they influenced the event for you. Due Dates Please submit your assignment by April 14 th at 11:59 PM (AZ time). Assignment Overview Your paper should be over a page and no more than three pages, single spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font and standard 1-inch margins. Your paper should include a title page and that does not count towards your page limit. Also outside research will be required for this paper and a work cited or reference page should be listed. On your cover page please show me a picture of the ticket or if you watched an event on TV show me a picture of the screen at the final score. (Show the whole screen not an ESPN ticket.) If you use your Zona Zoo give me a picture from the event as well as your student ID number and I can look it up to see if you did go to the game. Copyright © Arizona Board of Regents Page 2 of 3 Evaluation Criteria and Grading Rubric This assignment will be evaluated on content (80%) and mechanics (i.e., spelling, grammar, quantity, and timeliness) (20%). The grading rubric is as follows. Below average (80% or Less Credit) Average (81~90% Credit) Above average (91~100% Credit) Content (80%) Information provided is incorrect or supported by little or no data/evidence. Shows no evidence of innovative thinking or applicability to professional practice. Information provided is supported by some appropriate data/evidence. Shows some evidence of innovative thinking and applicability to professional practice. Information provided is supported by ample, well-researched data/evidence. Shows evidence of innovative thinking and applicability to professional practice. Mechanics (20%) There are a significant number of spelling and grammatical errors. Organization of ideas is unclear and sources are not cited where appropriate. Communication is not professional and/or polished. Postings are not made in a timely manner and do not go beyond minimum requirements. There are some spelling and grammatical errors but these are very minor problems. Organization of ideas is fairly clear and usually sources are cited where appropriate. Communication is fairly professional and polished. Postings are made in a timely manner, but do not go beyond minimum requirements. No spelling and grammatical errors. Organization of ideas is clear and sources are cited where appropriate. Communication is very professional and polished. Postings are made in a timely manner and go beyond the minimum requirements. Assignment Submission Instructions Save your assignment as a (.docx or .pdf) file. If you are using any program that saves files automatically with a different extension (other than .docx or .pdf), you must choose to save as file type Microsoft Word (.docx) or Portable Document Format (.pdf), unless otherwise stated in your assignment guidelines, or the assignment will not be accepted. Include your own name in the title of the electronic file for identification purposes, for example "SmytheMaryReport" and do NOT use any spaces, punctuation, or special characters in the file name. After completing the assignment, submit it for grading using the appropriate assignment drop box as indicated below.  Navigate to the Table of Contents -> Learning Modules -> Week 14 area of D2L.  Click on the Sports Observation Report assignment drop box title.  Click on the Add a File button.  Find the file you would like to upload. If you are using the most current version of your internet browser, you can drag and drop the file into the target area of the Add a File window. You can also use the Upload button to browse for and select the file you would like to add.  Once you have selected your file(s), click the Add button in the bottom, left corner of the window.  Click on the Submit button to complete the file submission.  Upon successful assignment submission, you will receive a confirmation email. For further details on submitting assignments, please refer to the http://help(dot)d2l(dot)arizona(dot)edu/content/studentsassignmentssubmit web site. Please note: If you make a mistake (such as leaving out part of the assignment, send the wrong files, etc.) and the Assignment tool won’t let you submit, then you must contact the instructor and describe what happened. Copyright © Arizona Board of Regents Page 3 of 3 Assignment Feedback and Solution When the instructor has graded the assignment, you will be able to view your grade and feedback comments by clicking on Assignments (in the navigation bar toward the top of the screen). To view your grade and instructor feedback on the assignment, please follow the instructions provided in the file Turnitin-AssignmentFeedback.pdf located in the Table of Contents -> Learning Modules -> Week 14 area of D2L. For further details on viewing assignment grade and feedback, please refer to: https://help(dot)d2l(dot)arizona(dot)edu/content/students-assignmentssubmit

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sports Observation
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Sports and games have always been a must part of our lives. They are not only a good source of entertainment but also have a lot to learn from (Johnston, 2017). For example, while watching our favorite game or sport, let’s say cricket, we may learn the basics of playing in the ground and get to know how important it is to stay fit, healthy and active. The Olympics today is no longer exclusive to the Greeks alone after their revival in the 20th century. This is because of most the sporting events like the World Cup, and the Olympics are being held across the globe. Thus, it has become easy to accommodate international athletes while providing more and more people with entertainment through sporting events (Qureshi & Verma, 2013). These events are held in all big cities, where state-of-art facilities are available to the audience and athletes. It should be noticed that major sporting events bring more outsiders to a country, which means the hotels, restaurants and shopping centers operating in that city get directly benefited, as when tourists stay in that city for some days, they will obviously want to bring home souvenirs and will buy their favorite food and drinks.
One of the primary reasons I have never visited stadiums to watch cricket is that there is too much crowd. However, my time at the Wankhede Stadium was really great. One of my friends knew that I’d never like to watch a cricket match in the stadium, so he encouraged me to go to Wankhede Stadium once. He told me that most of the international fixtures are played in this stadium and that the environment is not as bad as I think it to be.
Some weeks ago, I decided to watch a cricket match along with my companion at the Wankhede Stadium. I began observing the environment and noted a lot of things. First of all, I saw that people were standing in long queues to buy tickets. The stadium is situated in an easily accessible area of the city. My friend and I had to stand in one of the queues to buy two tickets for ourselves. It took us nearly three hours to get the tickets.
Finally, we entered the stadium and found it to be quite spacious, with a seating capacity of nearly 33,000 people. The cricket match we were there to enjoy was between Sri Lanka and India. The stadium may enjoy a fabulous location, but I did not find it a far better option than the next door Brabourne. The wooden benches were quite fancy, which I did not like, as I expected them to be simple while ensuring comfort. Anyways, we took our seats, and the match started.
The sun was shining with its full brightness, and I could see people wearing sunglasses. My friend never told me that the day would be hot this much; if he had, I would have br...
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