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Socialogy Module 5: What Does Coates Mean By Moral Debt?

Essay Instructions:

Our Discussion Board this week focuses on material covering the development of race and ethnicity as social and cultural ideas and includes the article by noted blogger, editor, professor, scholar, and journalist, Ta-Nehisi Coates in his bold and long-overdue analysis of the case for reparations in America. Please review the course material this week in the order it’s presented to you, with the Prezi Presentation, “Race: An Illusion with Consequences” last (there are associated film clips and two short films included in the presentation).Once you’ve had a chance to review everything, sit with it for a day or two. This is heavy material, no matter your race, ethnicity, age, or your knowledge of the history of race in America. It’s a challenge to all of us and deserves not only your undivided and undistracted attention, but it also deserves time. Spend some quiet time with this information, alone if you can, and maybe write in a journal for yourself.This Discussion Board will be challenging (if it’s not, dig deeper) and it’s expected that you may find yourself outside of your comfort zone. This is okay. Sit with it. Being outside of our comfort zone when it comes to race keeps us accountable and open to learning more.For this discussion forum, respond to three of the following questions, plus number ten for a total of four questions. This does not need to be an essay, but if you choose to write it as such, bold the questions where you’re answering them. Otherwise, just answer each one and number them accordingly. You do not need to answer them in order. Your answers should be 1-2 full paragraphs.1. What does Coates mean by “moral debt”?2. Why does homeownership differ so dramatically between Whites and Blacks?3. Who is Clyde Ross and why is he significant to the Coates’ article and story?4. Why does he think we all have a debt, “as Americans”?5. What effect did redlining have on Blacks and how is it still felt today?6. Why is “A Girl Like Me” significant in understanding the history of race in America?7. Who is Takao Ozawa and why is his significant to the development of “White” as a legal, racial category? What did his case ultimately do?8. What is meant by the title of the presentation, “Race: An Illusion with Consequences”?9. What are the key differences between Science and Society in the definition of Race?10. What can you do to push the conversation about race forward? What is your personal role?Remember to demonstrate your understanding of the material and cite properly.
Coates, T.-N. (June 2014). The case for reparations. The Atlantic. Retrieved from https://www(dot)theatlantic(dot)com/magazine/archive/2014/06/the-case-for-reparations/361631/ • Brown, G. (2016). The danger of not following police orders when approached. ABNF Journal, 27(4), 81-82.• Densho. (2017). Ozawa v. United States. Retrieved from http://encyclopedia(dot)densho(dot)org/Ozawa%20v.%20United%20States/ • Sutler-Cohen, S. (2015). Race: An illusion with consequences. Retrieved from https://prezi(dot)com/uxomrcvvwumz/race-an-illusion-with-consequences/ Recommended • Brandt, A. M. (1978). Racism and research: The case of the Tuskegee syphilis study. The Hastings Center Report. Retrieved from https://dash(dot)harvard(dot)edu/bitstream/handle/1/3372911/Brandt_Racism.pdf 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sociology Module 5 – Discussion
Sociology Module 5 – Discussion
What does Coates mean by “moral debt”?
Coates uses the phrase “moral debt” to mean the role or responsibility each one of us has. The society is filled with a myriad of evils and for it to be free or to be rescued from such, everyone ought to play their role. The role everyone ought to play is what Coates indirectly refers to as moral debt. It is the debt we owe to society to make it better and rid it off all the evils. Having seen or been a witness to certain issues and evils in the society, Coates knows that it will only take the hand of each American to help right the wrongs. This is the moral debt he notes in his article: the duty or obligation to make the society better and to rid it off all evils.
Why does he think we all have a debt, “as Americans”?
Because he believes that building an America we all desire requires a collective effort. Everyone has a role to play in helping build and restore America to a country which values and upholds impartiality. To Coates, this is more of a debt than a simple role which one can choose to ignore. Being a part of society is a responsibility, and everyone needs to make sure they play their role and do their part. As Americans, it will take the hand and effort of all Americans to rid this country of all the evils within our borders. It will indeed be foolish to expect outsiders to come and solve our problems. Coates is indeed well aware of these facts and hence his strong assertion that we all owe America.
What effect did redlining have on blacks and how is it still felt today?
Redlining sim...
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