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History Module 5 Discussion: The 1950s Was The Time Of Mccarthyism

Essay Instructions:

The 1950s was the time of McCarthyism, the red scare, and much domestic advertising that reflected America’s Cold War battlefront. Find an image that represents one of these aspects of the Cold War at home.
Insert the image with a URL into a discussion thread. Explain your image and what you think it represents about the Cold War. Why were Americans so afraid of domestic subversion?
This module guides you through the causes, conduct, and consequences of World War 2. It is important to understand the dynamics of the war and how it changed the United States and its position in the world. The war and its aftermath will also define the origins of the Cold War, the East-West conflict over ideas and spheres of influence that will last for half a century. It is important to pay particular attention to how the war was ended, both militarily and politically. The security of the United States, its defense policy and spending, and its domestic character will all be greatly affected and will serve as a backdrop for our discussion of the conformity of the 1950s, the rebellion of the 1960s, and the conservative resurgence that will take place in the late 1970s.
Here are some reminders that will help you achieve success this week.
The module lectures and Author Insight videos are a good place to start:Chapter 26, Author Insight Video
The Efforts of President Roosevelt and the Allies to Shape the Postwar World | View TranscriptChapter 27, Author Insight Video
Containing Communism | View TranscriptPowerPoints for Chapters 26 & 27
Chapter 26 PowerPointChapter 27 PowerPointFor your Critical Thinking essay this week, you will choose to write about why President Truman decided to drop the atomic bomb or about the 1959 Kitchen Debate.You will also submit your Portfolio bibliography, which is a major milestone for your Portfolio Project.Required
Chapter 26 and 27 in America: A Narrative History.African American Odyssey. (2008). The depression, new deal and World War 2. Library of Congress. Retrieved from http://memory(dot)loc(dot)gov/ammem/aaohtml/exhibit/aopart8.html.Gruver, E. (2005). FDR at Yalta. American History, 40(1), 44-50.National World War 2 Museum. (n.d.) Take a closer look: America goes to war. Retrieved from http://www(dot)nationalww2museum(dot)org/learn/education/for-students/ww2-history/america-goes-to-war.html.Richmond, Y. (2009). The 1959 kitchen debate. Russian Life, 52(4), 42.Recommended
CNN. (1998). Cold War: From Yalta to Malta. Retrieved from http://web(dot)archive(dot)org/web/20081217154418/http://www(dot)cnn(dot)com/SPECIALS/cold.warNichols, T. (2015, August 6). No other choice: Why Truman dropped the atomic bomb on Japan. The National Interest. Retrieved from http://nationalinterest(dot)org/feature/no-other-choice-why-truman-dropped-the-atomic-bomb-japan-13504 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Colorado State University
The 1950s was the time of McCarthyism, the red scare, and much domestic advertising that reflected America’s Cold War battlefront. Find an image that represents one of these aspects of the Cold War at home.
Insert the image with a URL into a discussion thread. Explain your image and what you think it represents about the Cold War. Why were Americans so afraid of domestic subversion?
Red Iceberg,” Traces of Mind Control from Cold War America”
 INCLUDEPICTURE "http://brynmawrcollections.org/traces/archive/fullsize/dcf21905a950767b78444cfb844b425c.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET 
 HYPERLINK "http://brynmawrcollections.org/traces/items/show/304" http://brynmawrcollections.org/traces/items/show/304
The image represents fear that even the communist nations besides the USSR posed a threat to the U.S. in this comic depiction, communism is shown to be the worst system compared to capitalism and democracy in the U.S. Countries were mainly capitalist or communist, and it is America, that is safe on the boat while the communist nations are buried. President Truman had used nuclear weapons during WWII and a majority of Americans supported his actions as there was a need to end the war swiftly (Nichols, 2016). Both America and the Soviets stockpiled nuclear weapons, but the U.S. cast itself as a more responsible superpower despite having being the only country to use nuclear weapons. Additionally, the U.S also highlighted that the U.S. system was superior to communism, but Americans ought to have been aware about the threat of communism.
When considering the arms race that occurred during the Cold War the image addresses American military strength as the U.S. would defeat the communist nations into submission. The picture further creates fear among Americans as they are warned to be wary of communism and just like an iceberg was responsible for the inking of the Titanic, the people should not underestimate the length at which the communists would go to destroy the U.S. The U.S and USSR were in a never ending arms race using both soft and hard power to gain influence at the ...
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