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Social Networking Policy

Essay Instructions:

Some ideas: http://youtu(dot)be/et9nWEfEZcA

Keep the following questions in mind when you are creating your video. You do not need to explicitly address each of these in the final project. They will help you structure the assignment.

You have been hired as an HR generalist for a semi-large multinational corporation that has been resistant to the trends of social media over the last few years. Management is giving you the opportunity to make the case for the use of new tools to help improve the organization.

Creating the policy: The 7 key questions

A perfect social networking policy to cover these new media could be drafted using only a few words: “Be mature, be ethical, and think before you type.” Ultimately, you may decide that such brevity is what you want for your business. For the sake of completeness, though, here are the seven most important questions to ask yourself when drafting a social networking policy.

How far do you want to reach? Social networking presents two concerns for employers—how employees are spending their time at work, and how employees are portraying your company online when they are not at work. Any social networking policy must address both types of online use.

Do you want to permit social networking at work, at all? It is not realistic to ban all social networking at work. For one thing, you will lose the benefit of business-related networking. Further, a blanket ban is also hard to monitor and enforce.

If you prohibit social networking, how will you monitor it? Turning off Internet access, installing software to block certain sites or monitoring employees’ use and disciplining of offenders are all possibilities, depending on how aggressive you want to be and how much time you want to spend watching what your employees do online.

If you permit employees to a social network at work, do you want to limit it to work-related conduct, or permit limited personal use? How you answer this question depends on how you balance productivity versus marketing return.

Do you want employees to identify with your business when networking online? Employees should be made aware that if they post as an employee of your company, the company will hold them responsible for any negative portrayals. Or, you could simply require that employees not affiliate with your business and lose the networking and marketing potential Web 2.0 offers

How do you define “appropriate business behavior?” Employees need to understand that what they post online is public, and they have no privacy rights in what they put out for the world to see. Anything in cyberspace can be used as grounds to discipline an employee, no matter whether the employee wrote it from work or outside of work.

How will social networking intersect with your broader harassment, technology, and confidentiality policies? Employment policies do not work in a vacuum. Employees’ online presence—depending on what they are posting—can violate any number of other corporate policies. Drafting a social networking policy is an excellent opportunity to revisit, update, and fine-tune other policies.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Course Title
Social Networking Policy
The world is rapidly expanding towards electronic communication, and social media is an essential tool that should not be overlooked. Social media is becoming a tool of interest in the current digital world. With proper strategy, the company can fully benefit from social media in increased marketing and reputation to remain optimum. A social media strategy helps guide the actions in social media and guide in optimizing the benefits associated with it. Equally, a good policy helps the organization overcome the disadvantages of social media (Gandhi et al., 2017).
To ensure a clean order and directions on the use of social media, creating goals and objectives on which the social media will be anchored is essential. The goals set be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. This framework will help the established social media platforms lead to actual business results. For example, we might decide to use Twitter for customer support to help increase their interactions with the company and reach a large pool of them. With the guidance of the goal and objectives, social media use will uphold the company's ethical behavior. The accounts of the company are centralized for accountability and proper control. The social media goals set should be matched with the marketing goals to ease value determination. Employees will be required to adherence to the social media goals and objectives and conduct themselves with decorum. Ethics of work must be incorporated into the framework (Erofeeva et al., 2019).
In ensuring control over the social media platforms, not every employee in the company should have access to the password of the different company accounts. Each platform's administrative access should be limited. For example, on Facebook, permissions should be for an Analyst whose purpose is to view statistics, an Admin who has full access, and other administrators. Admin will be responsible for controlling the content and interactions in the group. It is essential to ensure each person on the social media team does their job well. Their access to the platforms will be fitted accordingly to ensure smooth operations. All the regions will be well represented in the social media administration. The permission to social media will be limited to work-related conduct to reduce the risk of losing the overall organization's goals and objectives. Restricting access to work-related activities will help improve marketing without interfering with productivity (Tajudeen et al., 2018).
Employees in the social media platforms will have to identify with the organization when networking online. They will be allowed to do this in str...
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