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Servant Leadership and Politics: Growth for the People

Essay Instructions:

Application: Servant Leadership
Servant leadership is an approach to leadership that seems well suited for those working in nonprofit and public organizations.
For this assignment, review Chapter 10 in the Northouse text on servant leadership, and find at least two additional scholarly articles on servant leadership published in the past 5 years. Think about the characteristics of servant leaders, and explain how it might be used in a public or nonprofit organization that you are familiar with. Then, identify challenges leaders might encounter when engaging in this type of leadership approach.
The assignment: (3–4 pages)
Write a 3-page paper that includes the following:
An explanation of servant leader characteristics and how they may be effective in public or nonprofit organizations
A description of at least two challenges related to this leadership approach from your experience and research

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Servant Leadership
Servant Leadership and Politics
Servant leadership is a concept that is used to refer to the natural feeling to serve which means that it is a conscious choice to lead. This is different from the leaders that wants to lead so that he may have the access to power to and possessions (Nothouse, 2013). For the servant leader, they first aspire that the people’s needs are their highest priority. Making sure that the people’s wellbeing is looked after at all times. This is a concept that is applicable in public offices, where leaders are given the mandate to serve the people. One such public office is the ones held by politicians at any given level of governance (McCann, Graves & Cox, 2014). These are people that are given the mandate to serve the people in their different capacities (Bryant, Brown & Lambert, 2015). They are elected or nominated to achieve the highest level of accomplishment with reference to the needs of the electorate and the community at large.
Growth for the People
Every other politician should be focused on the growth of the people. This is a commitment that every politician should use to bring improvements to the lives of their community members (Rachmawati&Lantu, 2014). There are a number of ways that politicians can serve the interest of the people as a reflection of being servant leaders. One is that politicians ought to serve their people without the consideration of their political lines (Nothouse, 2013). This is to mean, while different politicians have different political affiliations coming to their offices, it is crucial that these are not reflected in their execution of the mandate. If a politician was voted in by a majority of one faction of the political divide, it is crucial that they serve all the people equally without any favoritism (Bryant, Brown & Lambert, 2015).
Community Development
Building the community should always be among the first agendas that every politician has on their agenda when they are elected to office. It is also common that politicians will serve their people along the policies that are championed by their affiliations. This is a wrong approach and one that works to bring division among the people (Rachmawati&Lantu, 2014). It is important to note that, the basic element of serving the people is associated with making sure that the objectives are the guiding principles. Using the policies that are guided by the affiliations, only works to bring about the division (Nothouse, 2013). This is reference to the fact that most of the factions are going to be looking at making sure they have the chance to build on their credit against their opponents. As such, whether or not, the politician aligns with the efforts to streamline the current health care legislation or tax increases, the basic premises should be the derivative improvements that will come to the community at large.
Politicians should always listen to their people to establish the various needs that they have along with the various ways that these can be resolved sustainably. It is common for politicians to use their power and authority in a manner that ensure their opposing teams are down trodden (Bryant, Brown & Lambert, 2015). This is a waste of resources and eff...
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