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Who Is A Manager And How Do Managers Make Decisions For The Future Based On Today

Essay Instructions:

Review of many account plans suggests that there are few tools used as oftenas the SWOT analysis that are so poorly applied. Observation indicates that aSWOT analysis tends to consist of a long list that seems to have little to do withany of the analysis that preceded it or with the proposed account objectives andstrategies that succeed it. For the most part it is completed because the partic-ular plan format being used requires it to be done. This is unfortunate becausethe SWOT analysis is the bridge that links the detailed analysis described in thepreceding two chapters with the account objectives, strategies and tacticsdiscussed in subsequent ones

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Organization Diagnosis Models
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Organization Diagnosis Models
A manager refer to an individual who is responsible in running and leading an institution or an organization using the key functions of management. The key functions of management include; planning, organizing, controlling, directing and staffing. Managers are always at the pinnacle of the organization surrounded by a team of employees who report to the the managers. In addition managers functions varies depending with the duties and responsibilities assigned to them. For example, in a banking sector, a credit manager has the responsibility to make credit decisions with the relevant authorities, resolve credit issues with clients, review credit polices whereas a bank sales manager has duties and responsibilities of implementing strategies that will promote bank products and services as well as resolving customer’s needs. Thus, managers have both general and specific duties to perform in accordance with the organization policies.
Managers are also known to have the duty to make decisions for the future based in today’s situations. Decision making is always a systemic procedure that follows a series of steps before arriving at the actual decision. Typically managers can adopt either a consensus, or a consulting method of decision making but holding onto the same systematic approach. Based on the current states, managers start by investigating the situation in details to establish the root cause of the challenges or the actual status of the circumstances. Thereafter, the next step is to identify the possible solutions that could be implemented to combat the problem. The options are obtained through brainstorming and forums in case of a consensus approach. The next step is to explore the most appropriate options or the most voted alternatives before selecting best one. Mostly the selection of the best alternative always considers the outcome of the e...
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