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Self Reflection - Professional Growth. Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

Hello, This work required respond for part 1 and 2 except an online test. I will take for a test. Please follow the rubrics.


In this Work Product Assessment, you will complete a blueprint for professional and personal growth.

Professional Skills: Written Communication and Critical Thinking and Problem Solving are assessed in this Competency.

Your response to this Assessment should:

Reflect the criteria provided in the Rubric.

Adhere to the required length.

Conform to APA style guidelines. You may use Walden Writing Center’s APA Course Paper Template.

This Assessment requires submission of one (1) file. Save this file as SF007_first initial_lastname (for example, SF007_ J_Smith).

When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.


Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.

Blueprint for Professional and Personal Growth

Access the following to complete this Assessment:

SF007 Capstone Bibliography

Academic Writing Expectations Checklist

Peregrine Assessment FAQ's

This assessment has two-parts. Click each of the items below to complete this assessment.

Part I: MBA Program Executive Summary

Review the broad range of topics that you have examined and what you have learned throughout the MBA Program.

Select concepts or topics that resonated with you the most during your program. What can you do now to integrate the experiences and insights you’ve had in the MBA program with your personal and professional development goals?

Write an Executive Summary that spans the entire range of topics within your MBA program and addresses the following questions:

Which content, conceptual ideas, frameworks, tools, and assignments in your MBA improved your understanding and skills in ways that will enable you to achieve your professional goals?

What impact has your improved understanding had, or what impact do you anticipate your understanding will have, on the value you will bring to your role within an organization and the world at large, particularly with respect to being an agent for positive change?

How have the content and assignments changed the way you think of your role within the organization and the way you will practice your profession?

Your “MBA Program Executive Summary” should be approximately 700 words (+/- 50 words).

Part II: MBA Program Assessment and Action Planning

MBA Program Assessment

For this Assessment, you are to complete a masters-level proficiency comprehensive exam provided by Peregrine Academic Services. This is a requirement for completion of the MBA program. The exam results are used to measure program-level learning outcomes as required by accreditation authorities.

Your assessment results will not affect your MBA program score/grade, but it must be completed in order to be eligible for the degree.

There is no need to prepare for the exam. However, we ask you to do your best so that the results will provide the best possible data for continuous improvement process for the program. Walden will use the results to guide future changes to the MBA program.

The exam assesses the foundational knowledge areas from MBA core content. As such, it is not expected that you will necessarily know the answer to every question. It is a standardized test used by many different colleges and universities.

Important: Once you have completed the Assessment, save a copy of your completion certificate and store it in a safe place on your computer. You will need to submit this as part of this Assessment.

Reflection Journal: Action Plan

Recall the concepts or topics you selected as part of your Executive Summary in Part 1. It is now time to bring this commitment to life. To do this, identify concrete action items that will support your goal to deepen your personal learning experience in the coming year.

Then, consider the following:

What can you do now to integrate the experiences and insights you had in the MBA program with your personal and professional development goals?

What are the most important things you are taking from your MBA program that will shape your future and enable you to make a positive difference?

With these thoughts in mind, write a detailed action plan for one new, and ambitious, goal for professional and personal development (you will continue to build on the list of goals you started in your previous competencies). Include the following in your action plan:

A brief reflection of your self-assessment based on your experience completing the MBA Program Assessment.

Your specific goal for professional and personal development with an explanation as to why you selected the goal. Be sure to provide concrete and specific examples of why the goal is important, the personal or professional value you expect from achieving the goal, and how the goal relates to your MBA experience.

At least two objectives for the goal you have identified. Provide a rationale that explains how your objectives support the goal.

Your reflection and action plan should be approximately 500–700 words.

Note: Submit both your Reflection document and your Certificate of Completion for the Assessment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Self-Reflection - Professional Growth
Author's Name
The Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor Name
Assignment Due Date
Part 1: Blueprint of the MBA Program
Enrolling oneself in an educational program indicates planning for a better personality. Before enrollment, I preferred education as a source of a better income. However, the program brought tremendous change in my personality in terms of behavior, insights, and liberalism. Thus, I am presenting an extract of my MBA program in this report.
Range of Topics
The MBA program covered a wide range of topics encompassing human resource management, marketing management, operational management, and financial management. Additionally, topics related to customer relationships and entrepreneurship are involved. From these, leadership practices are the most affected topic that directed me to professional development.
Lessons Learned from the Program
The lessons I learned from the program include critical thinking, analysis, problem-solving, and leadership. At first, the program educated me about critical thinking. According to Dhiman (2011), it is good to view things positively. However, if a thinker reviews the thing from a different perspective, he can yield better decisions (Heyler & Martin, 2018). Thus, I embedded critical thinking in my development list. Secondly, the program suggests becoming an investigator and analyzing every situation. For instance, if I can not accomplish my objectives, I must focus on my strategy's loopholes, as denoted by Kegan and Lahey (2010). Thirdly, I learned from various topics that an individual must focus on solving the issue. For example, if I am not achieving the desired grades, I should focus on extra classes and additional learning. Altogether, the program taught me to become a better version of oneself is the utmost objective of professional personnel.
Most Resonate Topics
During the program, I explored several topics related to management and marketing. However, some of the most resonate topics are employee experience, culture, data, analytics, diversity, productivity, change management, diversity, and artificial intelligence. These topics assisted me in understanding organizational behavior and professionalism. Correspondingly, I became more liberal with exposure to these topics.
Personal and Professional Goals
The program does not only assisted me in developing personal and professional goals but also in aligning them accordingly. I aspire to individuals working with people, managing and directing them. Initially, I enrolled in the MBA program to strengthen up my career options. My personal goal at the time of enrolment was to get a secure career as I complete my education. While I was preparing for a stable career, I was unsure about a comprehensive path. This is the point where my MBA program helped me the most. For instance, self-management skills taught me to scrutinize myself regarding personality, passion, strengths, and weaknesses. According to Dhiman's (2011) investigation, I discovered my interests and strategies to work for it. For illustration, I like to meet people, work autonomously, inspire others, and stay organized. Subsequently, I set personal goals to initiate a career that entertains my interests.
On the other side, the professional goal of mine is to become an effective leader. I want to work with people and direct them. Besides, I want to work autonomously and be responsible for my acts. However, the MBA program taught me about the direction to professional development as well. I am now aware of various fields that offer people-based work, such as management, supervision, and leadership.
Conceptual ideas, Frameworks, Tools, and Assessments that Improved the Professional Development
Some of the different contents that I learned during my program were intensively inspiring. For example, the content and framework of Kaplan (2008) educated me about the concept of reaching one's potential. With this concept, I can know myself, excel at activities I like, and emphasize personal improvement. Additionally, the facilitators used comprehensive learning techniques such as reflective essays, group presentations, role-plays, and live interviews. All of these tools and assessments improved my understanding of a professional role.
Impact of Improved Understanding
I was a slow starter before enrolling in an MBA program. Thus, whenever I need to set an objective, I make the least efforts at the beginning. However, the concepts of the MBA program affected my practice. Subsequently, I am more productive now as I am aware of the after-effects of lagging. Moreover, an improved understanding of all the concepts affected the routine work I used to do.
Value and Changes Brought by the MBA Program
The most comprehending value, MBA program brought in me is critical thinking and problem-solving. These values have brought a notable change in my personality. I can now analyze every situation and focus on solutions.
Concluding Remark
Throughout the MBA journey, I learned various lessons that are helping me in personal and professional development. My initial aim for getting a deg...
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