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Personal Leadership Style, Strengths Weaknesses. Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

• Reflect on the leadership styles reviewed to date and describe your own personal leadership style. What do

you feel are your strengths and weaknesses as a leader? Please reference 2 – 3 assessments completed

during the semester.

• Has a third party (supervisor, colleague, professor, etc.) ever discussed your strengths and weaknesses with

you as they relate to your leadership style and ability? How did you react?

• Assess the evolution of your thinking and personal worldview since the course began. For example, have

your views on what it takes to be a leader changed? Have your views about yourself changed?

• Submit via NYU Classes Format

Font: 12-point Times New Roman

Length: 2 – 3 pages, double-spaced

Margins: 1 inch all around

Inclusion of a reference is optional but recommended

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Leadership style
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Leadership Style
Leadership refers to the power of an individual to influence others toward working hard to achieve certain goals. Several leadership styles are used in different organizations. Some of the most recent acknowledged leadership styles include democratic, autocratic, and charismatic. In a democratic leadership style, the leaders allow the participation of other members in making decisions. On the other hand, an autocratic leadership style makes all decisions and takes full control of the company (Demirtas & Karaca, 2020). This means that the leader does not involve the other members of the group any making any decision. A charismatic leadership style is a form of leadership where the leaders are good communicators, eloquent, and can communicate deeply to their followers. Organizations led by charismatic leaders achieve great success. Some of the most known charismatic leaders include Martin Luther King.
Personal Leadership Style, Strengths Weaknesses
I possess a democratic leadership style. I am a leader who values other people's thoughts and ideas. I like it when every person is given a chance to speak what they think is best. I believe in this leadership style as it promotes teamwork and good coordination. As a leader, I have several strengths, which include excellent communication skills. I possess both written and oral communication skills, enabling me to share information with others easily (Demirtas & Karaca, 2020). I also have great negotiation skills that enable me to increase company chances of getting into a win-win situation. Additionally, I possess a great leadership strength known as situational awareness. I tend to be aware of everything happening in the business environment, enabling me to determine existin...
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