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Benchmark - Retail Store Major Project Proposal. Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

Benchmark - Retail Store Major Project Proposal [Details]
You currently work for a retail store that carries basic household goods, some groceries, andhealth and beauty products. The store is located in the small community (approximately 5,000total residents) in which you live and is looking to expand its operations in some way.For this assignment, you are required to develop a major project proposal to be undertaken byyour employer. You may decide to expand your product offerings or open an additional store inan adjacent community, for example.
You may use figure 2.4A and B in chapter 2 of your textbook as a general outline of what yourproposal should entail. Your project proposal must include the following components:
1. Project title
2. Project manager (yourself)
3. Problem definition or project rationale: Describe the problem or opportunity forimprovement.
4. Goal definition: Describe the project goals.
5. Objective definition: Quantify the savings or benefits you expect from completing thisproject. How much will it cost (hours, materials, methods, equipment, etc.)? Estimatehow long the project will take to complete.
6. Resources: Identify the resources necessary to complete the project.
7. Risk analysis: Identify the major risks associated with undertaking this project. Howlikely is it that these risks will occur? How will the project be impacted if these risksoccur?
Refer to "The Retail Store" for additional information about your organization.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in theStudent Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade theassignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment tobecome familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of theassignment.
You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite, unless otherwise directed by yourinstructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Worddocuments can be submitted to LopesWrite.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Benchmark – Retail Store Major Project Proposal
Student's Name:
Unit Name & Number:
Date of Submission:
Benchmark – Retail Store Major Project Proposal
Project title 
Opening a new retail store in the neighboring town as part of the expansion strategy
Project management
As the project coordinator of the company, I will manage the project myself.
Problem definition or project rationale: 
we currently have three stores, and we could wish to open another retail store in the neighboring town. The current existing stores have been in existing for several years around two communities with over 12,000 people. Over the years, we have been building our brand to improve our customer base. As per our mission statement, we offer quality products at competitive prices and enhance customer's convenience. As a result, we have built our customer loyalty, and several customers are coming back to bring more business. As the number of customers increases, we have encountered congestion in our existing retail stores. Hence, it takes longer to serve customers leading to delays and inconveniences. That is not a good move, and we may lose customers. Several customers travel long distances to access our stores, especially those from neighboring towns with no store. Therefore, there is a need to expand our operations by opening another retail store in the neighboring town to reduce congestion, improve customer experience, and enhance flexibility and convenience for customers who hail from far, minimizing travel time to access retail stores.
This expansion strategy will retain existing customers and attract new ones because of easier access to stores, minimal congestion, and minimal waiting and service time because it addresses long queues. Benefits of expanding to the company will include, increase in sales due to an increase in the number of customers and enhanced efficiency in the retail stores, which will improve the company's overall profitability in the long-run.
Project goals. 
Project goals are tangible statements of what the project should accomplish at a specific timeline while utilizing allocated resources (Demirkesen et al., 2017). Therefore, each project should aim to act as an overall driving force and guide its completion. This project aims to increase clients' numbers and increase sales volume to meet the sales target of $ 5 million per year. That will build the company's profitability. The second goal is to improve customer experience by ensuring that customers are served on a timely basis and without delays. The third goal is to ensure that clients in the neighboring community where we intend to open a store have easy access to products without traveling long distances to buy the products. These goals are in line with our company's mission and vision and enhancing efficiency.
Objective definition:
Because the project is quite big, we plan to complete it in 10 months. We will spend most of the time looking for a suitable location, acquiring land, building the retail store per the local environmental laws and standards, and acquiring the necessary equipment. We are planning to construct an ultra-modern store equipped with the necessary technological infrastructure. That will reduce operational expenses associated with traditional techniques because it enhances efficiency ...
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