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Legal and Ethical Situations in Coca-Cola and Walmart

Essay Instructions:

Due Week 8

1. Identify two or more case studies on legal and ethical workplace situations that are influenced by society, culture, politics, health, safety, and security. It is recommended to select two case studies relevant to your selected organization. There are many resources to use. To begin your search, review How can I find case studies. Pay particular attention to the information under the heading 'Business Case Studies'.

The following article provides excellent sources on HR's role in the mitigation of social and environmental risk and opportunities.

• The Executive Summary by HRM’s Role in Corporate Social and Environmental Sustainability by Elaine Cohen, Sully Taylor and Michael Muller Camen https://web(dot)archive(dot)org/web/20160731145810/http://www(dot)shrm(dot)org/about/foundation/products/pages/sustainabilityepg.aspx

2. Deliverable for Phase II: Assume the executives of your organization are interested in HR’s approach to risk mitigation with regard to legal and ethical workplace situations. Begin to research best practices regarding legal, ethical, safety, environmental, cultural, political, and financial factors in the workplace.

To accomplish this, you will need to compare and contrast two case studies of your choice. Consider what each company’s strengths and weaknesses are.

Compose a 2-pages comparison and contrast of the case studies, identifying HR strengths and weaknesses regarding legal and ethical workplace situations. Utilize what you’ve learned in Modules 1-7, as well as from your textbook and othe assigned readings, to identify, evaluate, and present sound approaches to risk mitigation associated with legal and ethical decision making in HR.

3. It is suggested that during week 8 you begin to prepare for the final project. To do this, review the critical task prompt and rubric for phase 3. Use the following bullet points to guide your initial research. Begin to draft your risk mitigation plan. Your final paper will need to be a minimum of 10 pages.

• What ethical and legal risks are identified in your case studies?

• How can HR mitigate the ethical and legal risks identified in your case studies?

• How are federal and state workplace laws influenced or impacted by society, culture, politics, health, safety, and security?

• How may your company’s CSR sustainability plan mitigate risks and maximize profits for shareholders? How important is societal support for your CSR plan?

• What factors need to be considered when a company communicates to the public? Phase II Rubric

Requirements of Submission: Written components must follow these formatting guidelines: 2 pages of double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one inch margins, and APA format for all elements.

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Risk Management Plan Project Phase II: Case Studies
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Risk Management Plan Project Phase II: Case Studies
Business operations should be guided by integrity. This paper aims at addressing various legal and ethical situations in workplaces using case studies. The two case studies used are coca-cola and Walmart.
Over the years, Coca-Cola company has experienced allegations of unlawful and unethical behaviors. These situations include racial discrimination of employees, intimidation of union members, product safety, pollution, anti-competitiveness, among others. Walmart has also been involved in various scandals of its own. They include stealing from employees, low wages, child labor, and providing poor working conditions for their employees.
India boycotted Coca-Cola following allegations that its beverages contained pesticides as well as water conflict. In the past, the company's HR was weak, which made the company lose the customers' trust since it insisted on proving its integrity instead of demonstrating concern towards the situation. The company later recognized the need it having goodwill in the company. Therefore, the company created a foundation in India to address water problems in the communities and offset water that the company had used.
Coca-Cola implemented a 'live positively' policy that addresses community needs, healthy living, climate, workplace, and water stewardship. The policy aims to maintain the sustainability principle. The company publishes an annual report that is verified and endorsed by an external or third party. The report relies on GRI Guidelines. Coca-Cola also addresses the issue of recycling and climate change by pledging to increase efficiency and reduce emissions.
Coca-Cola's code of Business Conduct provides the employee with guidelines regarding competition and corruption. The c...
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