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Management Essay: Revised Project Proposal

Essay Instructions:

Revised Project Proposal


This is the second of three assignments that, as a whole, will cover all aspects of the project life cycle relevant to your selected project.

Assume that your project sponsor has reviewed the project proposal and has asked that you make some changes to it. For the purposes of this assignment, consider your professor's feedback to be your project sponsor's review comments.


Write a 4–6 page paper in which you:

Provide a brief summary of your project.

Update the goals and objectives based upon your project sponsor's feedback, and add two more goals and objectives. (Use your professor's feedback to update your goals and objectives.)

Describe at least three key milestones and/or deliverables for your project.

Describe a high-level timeline that includes key tasks and deadlines.

Estimate the project's overall cost and any key staffing and non-staffing resources needed.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Revise a project plan so that it clarifies objectives, specifies deliverables, timelines, and costs, and aligns with stakeholder needs.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Revised Project Proposal
Name Course
Strayer University Instructor Date
Summary of the project
Implementing the Human Resources Information System (HRIS) is necessary to centralize and streamline the HR processes to improve HR. As with other business systems, implementing the HRIS requires a prior analysis of the organization's needs and objectives. In this way, it is more likely that there will be a return on investment. The need for the HRIS is considered to focus on the reasons to carry out the company's project and weaknesses by not having this software. Analysis of the organization's internal characteristics is necessary to decide for the implementation of HRIS as the information system is suitable when it meets user needs and functionality (Lippert, S. K., & Swiercz, 2017). The implementation process is successful when there is management support for the project within the company, realization of the work schedule, including deadlines and tasks to be carried, and resource allocation.
Updated goals and objectives
Project goals:
1 Increase efficiency, manage the HR, the payroll system, and streamline HR processes. HRIS is required to provide improved and timely HR data where there is an available workforce when required and information on the budgeting process. The HR department prioritizes attracting, selecting, and retaining highly talented employees who add value to the organization. The HRIS automates crucial human resource management functions such as employee information, payroll, and decision support. The HRIS integrates various databases, and there is an interconnection of independent programs, but the system is implemented comprehensively to provide an overview of the HR functions and units
2 HRIS provides comprehensive functionality to meet user needs and help in making HR decisions. The system would help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of HR processes (Alam et al., 2016). There is also a need to provide support for managers' and employees' decisions to make better decisions.
3 The system provides accurate and timely HR data for analysis, support decisions, and strategic planning.
Project objectives
1 Streamline and standardize key HR processes that are connected to other functions of the company. The system would allow the HR staff members and users to focus on HR processes where there is access to data and information to support HR functions. Implementing the right HRIS to automate and facilitate key processes will improve efficiency
2 To provide a robust HRIS that meets the users' needs, functions and allows seamless communication and workflow processes.
3 To obtain data from a different source, including workforce data and managers can track information and focus on workforce planning.
Key milestones and/or deliverables for the project
* System tests to determine whether the system meets user needs and requirements
The system should be acceptable, secure, and perform as expected. Testing is undertaken at the project's execution phase after there has already been analysis, design, and development.
* Incorporate the system in the organization
The HRIS infrastructure needs to be compatible with the other systems, improving efficiency and decreasing costs.
* Integrate useful features and business processes
The proposed system will help improve the key processes and deliver the required functionalities as the company's business needs have already been identified.
* The HRIS will pro...
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