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Management Essay: Critical Thinking Assignment: Intrinsic and Extrinsic rewards

Essay Instructions:

Critical Thinking Assignment Option #1: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards

For this assignment, imagine that you are an organizational change consultant who has been asked to propose intrinsic and extrinsic reward plans to an organization (of your choice). In your proposal, you will not only formulate the plans but also analyze their worth to the organization as part of the firm's implementation of a new social responsibility change plan. That change plan will task employees with new or additional duties; thus the reward plans should aim to support employee attitude and behavior including increasing creativity and problem-solving skills.

Spector (2013) says this about reward plans: "Incentive pay, regardless of the specific design, is an extrinsic reward: a reward external to the individual and provided by the organization. Money is the most obvious and prevalent example of an extrinsic reward. Motivational theory tells us that extrinsic rewards, although powerful, may not be terribly effective in driving long‐term behavioral change" (p. 142).


Your proposal will be 4‐5 pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages, which you must include. Be sure the paper is formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center (LINK below). Always review an assignment's grading rubric.

Incorporate at least two scholarly sources to support your analysis (you may not use the required readings in the course for this requirement). The CSU Global Library is a good place to find your sources. The following resources might provide you with additional ideas for your analysis:

The puzzle of motivation (Links to an external site below.)

Motivational theories (Links to an external site below.)





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Critical Thinking Assignment: Intrinsic and Extrinsic rewards
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Module 6: Critical Thinking Assignment: Intrinsic and Extrinsic rewards
The concept of motivation is one of the most talked-about issues in the workplace. More often, people postulate dismal organizational performance when employees lack an adequate level of motivation. Motivation is considered a powerful tool and energy source that drives and excites employees, leading to optimized performance. Motivation is a broad concept that revolves around setting goals, developing expectations, and providing feedback in workplaces. Many human resources professionals and organization management are concern about how employees can be motivated to achieve better performance. The contemporary work environment is volatile and competitive (Caldwell, 2012), leading to a need to have an effective working system, including human resources department, comprising knowledge and skills. Organizations are faced with challenges of retaining competent workers, leading to an increased departure of employees, partly due to poor practice in rewarding systems. Deploying an effective system that rewards and motivates employees in an evidence-based, equitable, just, and fair approach is sure to enhance organizational performance. Financial factors such as pay, salary, bonuses, fringe benefits, life insurance are critical rewards that can bolster employee's morale and performance. Besides the financial rewards, workers deserved recognition and appreciation for his efforts
The concept of motivation is quite interesting and intriguing to most practitioners. Available literature shows that motivated employees are needed for organizational goals, but practitioners find it challenging to create the right mix of rewards that motivate their employees to enhance productivity (Eshun, 2011). Two primary forms of motivation exist depending on the trait of the motivator. Intrinsic arises from internal factors, while extrinsic emanates from external sources. Incentive theory postulates that people's behavioral patterns in workplaces are mainly extrinsically motivated. According to this theory, people are more motivated to perform if they are likely to receive a reward. Incentive theory contradicts the perception that there are people who derive motivation from work satisfaction or personal accomplishment. Incentives such as bonuses, promotion, and praise are classified as extrinsic motivators. The intrinsically motivated persons derived their motivation or morale from a sense of personal satisfaction and accomplishment. They appear to have an overarching sense of self-disciplined and self-motivation. Intrinsic motivation seems to dwindle when incentives such as attentions, bonuses, praise, and promotion begin to trickle. The efficacy of incentives that are an extrinsic source of motivation depends on diverse factors, including personal principles and locus of control, among others!
The impact of extrinsic motivators or incentives such as compensation, bonuses, and pays for performance (PFP) remained a poorly explored area in organizational culture. Most organizations deploy compensation as a primary extrinsic tool to motivate employees, enhance performance, and secure employee retention. More often, some private firms embrace PFP, which focuses on the employee to enhance motivation and performance. The issues of extrinsic motivators such as compensations and bonuses have created centers of contestations. Many people have expressed divergent opinions on the role of incentives such as promotion, work holidays and bonuses, in influencing motivation and performance levels. Some scholars have viewed extrinsic rewards as detrimental to performance and creativity. It is also perceived that extrinsic motivation has less quality than intrinsic motivation. Gerhart & Fang (2015) reaffirm these assertions but noted a need to fully understand how extrinsic rewards affect performance, creativity and how motivations and ...
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