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Human Resources Management

Essay Instructions:

This assessment addresses the following course outcomes:

 Explain core concepts of human resource management common in today’s global workplace for promoting shared values throughout an organization

 Describe human resource management practices and theories that align to and promote the organization’s vision, mission, and business

 Illustrate the functions of a human resource manager for ensuring alignment with the organization’s strategic plan

 Explain modern human resource concepts and principles that are essential in a changing work environment

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The Human Resource (HR) department is arguably responsible for an employee's lifecycle, which is a key determinant of the organization's success in achieving its goals and maintaining the culture. Further, the Human Resource department guarantees that workers are content with the working conditions and ensures that they deliver or perform to their best to attain the organization's goals. With the focus on the employees' lifecycle, the Human Resource department ensures that the workers are well motivated to ensure the flow and conserve the organization's workforce. The Human Resource department's efforts make certain that there is unison between the workers and the organization to ensure that the organization's culture is preserved and ensure success (Ralević et al., 2015).
* Human Resource Management Functions and Practices
* Reasons why the Human Resource function should be aligned with an organization's strategic plan
Indulgence of the Human Resource department during strategic planning is vital for an organization. This gesture dictates whether its ultimate objectives are to be given the priority for its success. The Human Resource department's involvement exhibits the type of culture the organization wants to portray to its clients as the Human Resource department employs new workers for the organization (Groysberg & Abbott, 2012).
1 Contented and cheerful Employees
To create or develop a creative and high-yielding workforce, the Human Resource is mandated to provide a worthwhile and preferable working environment that accommodates engagement and delight. To achieve a preferable working environment for contented employees, the organization has to indulge the Human Resource department and hence address those workers' needs. Moreover, a favorable working environment guarantees good performance and retention of skilled employees in an organization. The Maersk Company focused more on training its employees, creating a good working relationship among the workers and employees hence exhibiting a good working environment (Groysberg & Abbott, 2012).
2 Observe the Culture of the Organization
As the Maersk Company expanded, the Human Resource department shifted its focus to progressive thinking for its current workers to make certain that they were aligned to the organization's progressive culture objectives. In this case, the Human Resource department's involvement may help a company design favorable working environments oriented towards ethics, desires, and culture (Groysberg & Abbott, 2012).
* How current Global conditions in this Industry impact human management practices within organizations
1 Globalization of Human Capital
As a result of growth or expansion, an Organization may experience globalization on the processes of Human resources trickling down to the employees and the new workers to be employed. The Human Resource department may need to employ new staff for assistance, acquire working authorization documents and housing documents, and apprehend new language and cultural skills (Groysberg & Abbott, 2012). For example, to get started in a new country, the acquisition of new local skills for training and developing of skills must be a priority. The success of an organization or a company in a new market may depend on fulfilling its clients' needs with able and potential skilled workers from that market.
2 Corporate and Cultural Differences
The Human Resource department may have to consider the differences in culture that may vary from country to country, which may negatively affect an organization's reputation. Moreover, Organizations may have unique operational methods that may vary to a specific group of people, influencing how they perceive their jobs. Different cultures may also have different opinions on roles and responsibilities assigned to different genders or sex (Groysberg & Abbott, 2012).
3 Long-Distance Communication challenges
With globalization, the human resource department may encounter difficulties in communication with workers about new organization developments and hence over-reliance on technology for communication purposes. Also, the communication problem due to the long-distance may present challenges such as language barriers when technology is used. Such challenges may make it difficult to solve an effortless issue hence taking more time to develop a suitable solution for the issue (Groysberg & Abbott, 2012).
* Staffing
The recruitment process is one of the most vital tasks that the Human Resource department handles as it entails pointing out the type of skills that the company is dependent on. The department is expected to select the most qualified and skilled in the interviewed candidates' available job openings. As opposed to the early stages of the Maersk Group of Companies which focused on training new employees and students, the human resource department should focus on employing workers with an exterior focus. Employees who pose an external focus are objective-oriented and skilled in performing roles and duties. When an organization's objectives align with those of the workers, employees may prove productive; hence the organization's objectives are met (Groysberg & Abbott, 2012).
Employment of skilled, experienced, and professional workers keen on key performance indicators to improve their performance would translate to attaining the organization's goals. When the Maersk Company diversified to new business ventures, they altered their recruitment policies to ensure they employed experienced workers and ensured productivity. Similarly, the human resource department should emphasize recruiting productive employees and dismissing those underperforming (Groysberg & Abbott, 2012). The hiring of employees with leadership skills and deserving of the deserved jobs would ensure a tactical workforce for an Organization and hence productivity. The Maersk Company applied this concept to alter their human resource management from an executive to a tactical one. Tactical human resource management ensures an objective-oriented workforce aligned to achieve the visions of the organization.
Comparison and contrast of recruitment and selection of internal versus external candidates
Internal recruitment entails filling a vacant job position within the organization by employing an existing individual with qualifications for the same job opportunity. On the other hand, external recruitment entails filling a vacant job position from any applicant currently employed within the same organization (Groysberg & Abbott, 2012).
1 Advantages
Internal recruitment may prove cheaper and quicker as the process may not experience many applicants for the position. External recruitment may be very involving as many applicants may present themselves for the interviews, making it mind-numbing for the Human Resource department. External recruitment gives room for fresh ideas for the organization compared to internal recruitment, where the employees understand what the business is all about. New ideas may improve the organization's productivity, aligning the organization to its vision hence attaining its goals. Fresh ideas for an Organization also make an Organization more competitive in the business market. New employees from External recruitment may present experience and a professional set of skills that may be important for the organization. An experienced workforce translates to good job performance, which helps set a standard for an Organization compared to internal recruitment where the set of skills may not be diversified (Groysberg & Abbott, 2012).
2 Disadvantages
External recruitment may be expensive due to marketing and advertising costs and charges, which may not be the same for internal recruitment. Internal recruitment might employ the use of technology for communication, such as email. The cost of advertising to reach many people may be prohibitive and a long process simultaneously (Groysberg & Abbott, 2012).
* Training
* Components of a needs assessment used to determine the training requirements of the organization
1 Personal Performance Analysis
An analysis of current capabilities and abilities ...
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