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Responses at Using Scholarly and Peer Reviewed Resources for Research

Essay Instructions:

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1.Respond to:

Garrett Berk


Using scholarly and peer reviewed resources are important for a well rounded and credible research paper. There a few differences that set scholarly resources from popular or other forms of resources. According to the video scholarly and popular resources popular resources are typically found in popular magazines and new articles vs academic journals. Non scholarly resources are typically sources from journalists where as scholarly resources are from experts in the field of study. One difference that can show this is the uses of references in a scholarly resources that will not be in a popular resource. In many cases popular and other resources will be reviewed by an editor where as scholarly and peered reviewed articles are reviewed by other experts in the field. Popular sources will contain advertisements and scholarly articles typically have statistics and graphs (Cendejas, 2014).

One source that will be used for my research paper was published by Indian researchers for the USDA. The resource goes into detail of the lack of food security and proper dispersion of food to feed the mouths of the people in India. There is enough food in India, however it is poorly available. The resource explains the problem and some of the solutions being made (Krishnamurthy, Pathania & Tandon, 2014). The journal is not bias and the research is performed by researchers backed by the USDA. The source is reliable as it explains how the research is completed and has the funding and resources given by the USDA. Being part of the USDA in regards to food security gives the resource credibility since food security is one of the mandates given to the USDA. The articles only fault may be the age of the article.

What set this resource apart from a popular resource was its statistics and charts, explanation of study, researchers that are experts in the area of study, as well as the organization involved, the USDA. The resource also has many references and explains the credentials of the researchers.

Respond to: Kimberly Goodwin

Explain at least five differences between popular and scholarly sources used in research.

Scholarly sources are written by experts in their field of work. Popular sources are written to inform more people. Scholarly sources cites their information for factual insight. Popular sources are mostly opinion over fact and personal beliefs. Scholarly sources are reviewed by other experts and although some popular sources are reviewed because they have to be edited they are not considered scholarly.

Locate and summarize one peer-reviewed, scholarly source from the University of Arizona Global Campus Library and one popular source that pertain to your Final Paper topic. In your summary of each article, comment on the following: biases, reliability, strengths, and limitations.

Popular source: The Real Source Of Poverty And Income Inequality: The article is trying to prove a Facebook post wrong. It has no cited information so it cannot be reliable. The strengths of this article comes from statistics, but they can't be proven since there is nothing cited. This article is stuck trying to convince people that the way to less poverty and less income inequality is through religion.

Scholarly source: Financial Inclusion, Poverty, And Income Inequality: This information is not meant to sway readers, it list information on both sides of the conversation. It cites information throughout the writing which makes it reliable and it was peer-reviewed. The strengths come from the charts, graphs, and index to show not just one place that is affected, but many places around the world for the readers own comparison. I don't see many limitations, the paper is written for understanding, it is not bias, includes the world, and the only thing I can point out is the date which is 2017, but that is not even 5 years old, so the information is still fairly recent.

From the sources you summarized, list and explain at least five visual cues from the peer-reviewed, scholarly source that were not evident in the popular source.

1. cited information 2. showed visuals 3. was peer-reviewed 4. ran tests to prove facts 5. gives a clear thesis

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Wk 3 Responses #2
Response to Garrett Berk
Great points, Garret. You’ve highlighted the main differences shared in the video. Understanding the differences between the two types of sources can help one come up with credible sources to support one’s argument in a paper. One additional difference is that scholarly sources have a bibliography at the end while popular sources do not. Your source for the research paper seems great. I agree with you that the fact that the research is sponsored by USDA adds to its credibility. While using recent sources adds the credibility of your arguments, I think your article is still relevant because poverty is still a problem in the Asian country. The presence of statistics and charts also contribute to your understanding of ...
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