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Responses: Identifying Key Responses to Critical Thinking

Essay Instructions:

1. Respond to Tyler Barnett

One element of critical thinking is being able to apply intelligent performance to something and not just cite a definition (Ballin, Case, Coombs, & Daniels, 1999). This means that somebody is able to do more than just memorize and have knowledge of something, they are able to take information and apply it. Two more elements of critical thinking is identifying and research (Erstad, 2018). As a critical thinker, someone has to be able to notice that there are problems within the organization and has to be able to research what is causing the issue. These are the two most important steps I believe because they set the foundation for the whole process. Identifying bias is another important element in critical thinking (Erstad, 2018). a lot of times when you are given information, reading information online, or watching the news, there is a big chance that there is going to be biased towards or against the topic. Any time there is bias, that causes a major issue because you are only receiving the information that they want you to have while omitting or bending the full story to fit the agenda that is wanted to be perceived. The same goes in the workplace. We always hear that there are "two sides to every story". That is because everybody has a different point of view and you can't resolve issues based on just one person's story of events. Another element to critical thinking is understanding that someone doesn't have to think a lot but has to utilize the right process for thinking critically (QualiaSout, 2009). Being able to pinpoint false ideas and biases in what we hear and read and we have to be able to know what information is good and bad.

An example that I found of good use of critical thinking is by Ben Shapiro (DailyWire, 2017). In the video, he is arguing with Piers Morgan on guns. He uses critical thinking by trying to remove bias from the argument and provide reasoning to his argument. A lot of times, political debates turn into arguments based on little facts and only the information they are given. Shapiro tries to give Piers full substantial knowledge that doesn't agree with any political party or agenda, but provides factual statements that can't be argued.

An example of bad critical thinking is done in this video (Tomi, 2018). In the video, the reporters are arguing about Tomi Lahren's beliefs on immigration. Unfortunately, bad critical thinking is used on both sides. Tomi says that America doesn't need low-skilled immigrants who can't speak the language to come here. This is bad critical thinking because she is not addressing any part of legal immigration at all. Anybody can come over here legally from any country to better their lives whether they speak the language or not or don't have many skills. There are a lot of low-skilled jobs needed across America and learning the language might take some time but anybody can do it. On the other side, the reporters just start saying she's being racist and a bigot and start attacking her based on her great-grandparents immigration. Neither parties address the issue of legal immigration as opposed to illegal immigration. By utilizing bad critical thinking skills, nobody helped address the issue and tried to resolve it. This just causes more problems than it solves.

2. Respond to Susana Luislopez

Explain at least five elements of critical thinking that you found in the reading material.

The first element I found was a curiosity because having the inner desire to know more and ask why the start is to understand the problem. Not willing to follow the crowd and asking questions to gain more knowledge. The second, being able to find the biases of situations and at the same time understand our preferences, so we avoid making an unfair decision. We must be willing to accept that we can be wrong and be ready to listen to all options without bias. Third, be willing to take the time to conduct thoughtful research by finding reliable sources that contain recent data from credible authors. Fourth, identifying problems by looking at the big picture to have a good understanding and find the appropriate solution. Fifth, take in the research data to draw an informed conclusion based on the evidence and not go off personal emotion.

Search the Internet, media, or the Ashford University Library, and find an example in which good critical thinking skills are being demonstrated by the author or speaker. Summarize the content and explain why you think it demonstrates good critical thinking skills.

When searching the internet for information on air pollution, I found a video from national geographic that demonstrates critical thinking. For instance, the narrator analyzes where air pollution comes from, both natural and manufactured, breaking down the primary sources. Then it explains how air pollution, especially smog, affects the environment and our raspatory health from the chemicals in the air. Seeking information on the causes and effects of the different chemicals like car emissions, gasoline, and coal is key to critical thinking in the video.

Search the Internet, media, or the Ashford University Library, and find an example in which the author or speaker lacks good critical thinking skills. Summarize the content and explain why you think it demonstrates the absence of good, critical thinking skills.

Reviewing the different videos, I found a news report informing and warning parents that air pollution was the most dangerous to children. The reasoning was that children are lower to the ground and breath faster, so they are the most in danger of developing respiratory problems. The report stated that air pollution is terrible and that the world must control it, but it did not indicate what or who is causing the pollution to be so harmful.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Week 4 Responses
Response to Tyler Barnet
Great post, Tyler. You’ve articulately and comprehensively explained some of the key elements of critical thinking. I think the identification of bias is a vital critical thinking skill, particularly in today’s environment where we encounter numerous pieces of information. I think the ability discern facts from one-sided and opinionated information is extremely useful in this information age. You’ve mentioned that there are two sides to every story; well, I think there are three: your side, my side, and the truth! Understanding that there are different perspectives to a story can help us eliminate the false from the truth. We should also be able to identify our own biases, which will help us evaluate information objectively. Your examples are grea...
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