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Reflection introductory marketing course Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

For this activity, prepare a reflection paper, and consider the concepts that you have learned during your readings. Think about what you understand completely and what did not quite make sense. The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to reflect on the material you have read and to expand on it. This is not a summary.

In the Unit I introduction to this course, Theodore Levitt’s remarks about the contrasting needs of the seller and the marketer were shared. Levitt described how satisfying the needs of the customer is now the pathway to marketing success. This concept and others related to the four Ps of product, price, promotion, and place were further explored throughout the units. For this reflection paper, respond to these three prompts:

Reflect on how this introductory marketing course has changed your view of how the field of marketing works.

What was the most surprising thing you learned? What do you need to learn more about?

Do you see the rise of consumer power through evolving changes in technology? If so, how? If not, why not?

Your reflection paper must be at least four pages in length and formatted according to APA guidelines. If you use any paraphrased or quoted material, you must have accompanying in-text citations and references. Title and reference pages do not count toward the minimum length requirement.

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Reflect on how this introductory marketing course has changed your view of how the field of marketing works.
The first time I heard about marketing, I thought it was synonymous to advertising. To me, the two terms were inseparable, and you could use one in place of the other. However, slowly, and with the help of this introductory marketing course, I have to realize that nothing could be further from the truth. The two terms are indeed different, and advertising is simply an aspect of the broad concept of marketing.
One thing that stood out for me was the fact that marketing involves studying consumers. Before, I never thought of marketing as a field that considers people’s behaviors. It never crossed my mind that there is a lot of research on consumer behavior, and how firms tailor their businesses to conform to the prevalent consumer behaviors. To me, marketing was simply finding ways to get consumers to respond to a company’s call to buy its products. Well, aside from advertising, nothing seemed to make sense.
However, slowly, I have come to acknowledge the power of marketing. I have comprehended the fact that often, consumers’ behaviors are shaped by marketers. I am yet to make peace with this fact, but it simply helped me comprehend the power of marketing. It has slowly helped me understand that we are independent beings, however, not all of our actions are independent. Often, the things we do and say are a reflection of the kind of information we consume. Marketers hide behind the subtleties of adverts and drive their point home. Having such an understanding has troubled me, but I have come to appreciate the power of this field.
What was the most surprising thing you learned? What do you need to learn more about?
While thinking of marketing, one looks at the seller as the person with the product and the buyer as the person with a need that can be satisfied by the seller’s product. However, I was surprised to find that the above is not really the right way to look at it. I realized that if sellers maintain the traditional view of what a product is, then they are likely to end up out of business. Levitt’s take made it quite evident and simple to comprehend, noting that trying to satisfy the needs of buyers changes the approach and idea of marketing entirely. In one instance, he writes that a “product is no longer merely an item but a whole bundle of values that satisfy buyers – an augmented product.” This statement brings about a whole new concept as it helps one to understand that while marketing, one must desire more than simply getting rid of whichever product they are trying to sell.
The other most surprising bit I learned was that the relationship between buyers and sellers often grows after a sale is made. It took me a while to agree with the above statement because after I buy something, I never look back. There is nothing about the seller that makes me want to head back to their store. However, after considering how often the purchase of a product influences my choices later, I came to the conclusion that it is indeed true. For example, I consider myself a loyal consumer. This means that I try my best to maintain the same seller for as long as I can. For example, after I have had a cup of coffee at a café, I always head back there, especially if I had a great experience. It is true that in some instances, I never go back. However, if the experience was good, I frequent such joints and even influence my friends to join me. The relationsh...
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