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Recruitment: Social Media, Employee Referrals, and Online Job Boards

Essay Instructions:

Using your textbook Gomez-Mejia, L. R., Balkin, D. B., & Cardy, R. L. (2016). Managing human resources (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson as a reference write a one-page response to the following:
1. Discuss at least three of the sources used for recruiting in today's workplace, and describe which one source you think is most important and why. Explain your response, and use at least one academic source to support your points.

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Week Five
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Recruitment of new members of an organization is an essential process in managing an organization. Being able to find highly effective members could mean the success or the failure of the company, thereby giving it utmost importance for every manager. These days, there are plenty of ways in which an organization could find new members. As discussed by Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, and Cardy (2017), some of these types include (1) Social media, (2) Employee referrals, and (3) General online job boards and websites. First, social media has become one of the primary sources for recruiting employees these days, as this medium has one of the most encompassing reaches. Because of this reach, companies can find the bests individuals who fit the job description, while also allowing more people to know of the job opening. Another source of workplace recruitment is employee referrals. While employee referrals are less encompassing than the first and third options, one of the advantages of this m...
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