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Recruitment of International Employees for an Expansion

Essay Instructions:

1. Assess the advantages and disadvantages of sending Ed McMillan as an international assignee to lead the expansion into Hong Kong.

2. How Anderson Products LLC could have prepared Ed McMillan to better lead their international expansion?

3. If Anderson Products LLC decided to acquire The Lucky Dragon and expand its international business activity, then:

A. What should be their staffing approach at the Hong Kong subsidiary? Why?

B. How the subsidiary in Hong Kong should be staffed at various occupational levels? What combination of international employees do you suggest? Why?


The paper should be in an essay format; i.e. with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

The word limit of this essay is 2000-2500 words.

Support your arguments with in-text referencing and provide a reference list at the end of the essay (not included in the word limit).

This assignment is based on chapters 8, 9, and 10, i.e. international workforce planning and staffing, international recruiting, selection, and repatriation, and international training and management development.

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Analysis of the Lucky Dragon
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Analysis of the Lucky Dragon
1 Introduction
In today's globalized world, businesses are increasingly expanding their operations beyond domestic borders. As a result, companies face the challenge of building and managing global employees that can effectively operate in diverse cultural environments. Global employee framing and appointing, international recruiting, option, repatriation, and global training and handling progress are essential to a successful international workforce (Anonymous, 3A). Companies must identify each position's essential skills and competencies when planning an international workforce. This information is used to design a staffing plan that aligns with the organization's strategic objectives. Companies also need to consider the local labor market, cultural norms, and the availability of qualified candidates when planning their international workforce.
Recruiting international employees requires a comprehensive understanding of the local culture, language, and customs (Anonymous, 9C). This is particularly important when recruiting employees from non-English speaking countries. Organizations need an effective recruitment strategy that can attract qualified candidates worldwide. International selection is a critical aspect of international staffing. Companies must have a rigorous selection process to identify the best candidates for international positions (Muduli & Trivedi, 2020). This includes assessing candidates' language skills, cultural fit, and cross-cultural communication skills (Anonymous, 27A). Managing global manpower requires a systematic and strategic approach to global employee force framing and option, international recruiting, selection, repatriation, and international training and controlling progress (Anonymous, 31B). Companies must develop comprehensive strategies to help them identify and attract qualified candidates, manage their international workforce, and provide employees with the necessary training and development opportunities (Anonymous, 4C). With effective international HRM practices, companies can build and manage a successful international workforce to help them achieve their strategic objectives in a globalized world.
2 Discussion and Analysis
2.1 Ed Mcmillan as an International Assignee
Sending Ed McMillan as an international assignee to lead the expansion into Hong Kong has advantages and disadvantages. While Ed McMillan's familiarity with the company culture and operations, industry knowledge, experience with international assignments, and leadership skills can be beneficial, the cultural differences, language barriers, family issues, and costs associated with the move can pose significant challenges (Anonymous, 24A). Ultimately, the decision to send Ed McMillan to Hong Kong will depend on the company's strategic objectives, available resources, and willingness to manage the risks associated with the international assignment.
2.1.1 Advantages
Ed McMillan has been with the company for ten years and is familiar with the company's culture and operations. This familiarity can help him navigate the company's policies and procedures and ensure that the Hong Kong operation aligns with the company's strategic objectives. Also, Ed McMillan has extensive industry knowledge, having worked in various roles for the company over the past decade (Eliason, Pargas, & Yankey, 2016). This knowledge can help him understand the local market and competition in Hong Kong and make informed decisions about the company's regional operations. The guy had experience with international assignments, having worked in the company's Brazil operation for three years. This experience can help him navigate the challenges of working in a foreign country and manage the cultural differences between Hong Kong and the United States. Furthermore, he has demonstrated strong leadership skills, successfully leading the company's sales team in the United States (Anonymous, 9A). These skills can help him build and lead a successful team in Hong Kong.
2.1.2 Disadvantages
Hong Kong has a different culture and business environment than the United States. Ed McMillan may encounter challenges adjusting to the local culture, impacting his ability to build relationships with local stakeholders (Anonymous, 28B). While English is widely spoken in Hong Kong, there may still be language barriers that Ed McMillan will need to navigate. This could make it difficult for him to communicate effectively with local stakeholders. Moreover, Ed McMillan has a wife and two children, and the move to Hong Kong could be challenging for his family. The cultural differences and language barriers could make adjusting to the new environment difficult for his family. Also, sending an international assignee to Hong Kong can be expensive. The company will need to cover the costs of housing, transportation, and other expenses associated with the move. This can impact the company's finances and profitability.
2.2 Lead at International Expansion
Anderson Products LLC could have provided Ed McMillan with cross-cultural training to prepare him for the cultural differences he would encounter in Hong Kong. This training could have included learning about the local customs, business practices, and social norms in Hong Kong. Although English is widely spoken in Hong Kong, Anderson Products LLC could have provided Ed McMillan with language training to help him communicate more effectively with local stakeholders (Eliason, Pargas, & Yankey, 2016). This training could have included learning basic Cantonese or Mandarin, the primary language spoken in Hong Kong. Anderson Products LLC could have provided Ed McMillan with a thorough understanding of the local market in Hong Kong, including the competition, customer preferences, and market trends. This could have helped him make informed decisions about the company's regional operations. Furthermore, Anderson Products LLC could have arranged for Ed McMillan to visit Hong Kong to get a feel for the local culture and business environment. This visit could have included meetings with local stakeholders, such as suppliers, distributors, and potential customers.
Also, his Products LLC could have provided McMillan with intercultural competence training to help him navigate the cultural differences between Hong Kong and the United States (Eliason, Pargas, & Yankey, 2016). This training could have included learning about cultural values, communication styles, and negotiation tactics. Moreover, the products could have provided Ed McMillan with local support to help him navigate the challenges of working in a foreign country. This support could have included an expat coach, a relocation specialist, or a local mentor who could guide and advise on local customs and practices. It could have supported Ed McMillan's family to help them adjust to the new environment. This support could have included language classes for his spouse and children, cultural orientation sessions, and access to local expat networks. Anderson Products LLC could have provided Ed McMillan with clear success metrics to measure the effectiveness of the international assignment (Muduli & Trivedi, 2020). These metrics could have included financial targets, market share goals, or customer satisfaction ratings.
2.3(A) Staffing Approach in Hong Kong by Anderson
If Anderson Products LLC decides to acquire The Lucky Dragon and enhance its global professional task, it must adopt an appropriate staffing approach at the Hong Kong alternate. They could consider several staffing approaches, including ethnocentric, polycentric, and geocentric (Anonymous, 12C). The staffing approach they choose will have signif...
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