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Leadership & Team Building

Essay Instructions:

Midterm Paper (Individual Grade): Among the most crucial skills any student and/or business professional needs to possess is the ability to research, analyze, assess, and integrate information from multiple sources, as well to be able to effectively articulate, clearly and concisely, in writing, an informed and persuasive opinion. In this assignment, entitled “The Corner Office & Me,” you are to do the following:

Step 1: Visit the “Corner Office” online archive of the New York Times website (https://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/column/corner-office), and read a minimum of five (5) of the interviews. You will then select ONE of the interviews (i.e., one that most resonates with you personally) to write about in your midterm paper.

Step 2: You will then go out into the world and conduct your own Corner Office-style interview. Ideally, you should seek to interview someone who has a leadership role within an organization; but it could also be anyone you choose. The only criteria is that you interview this person to capture their views on leadership by using questions similar to those asked in the “Corner Office” interviews.

Step 3: You will then write and submit a paper (two pages maximum) on the combined leadership lessons learned from the New York Times “Corner Office” interview that you selected, plus the lessons learned from the interview that you personally conducted...while, at the same time, tying these insights back to some of the various themes and lessons from our class. Important: Please note that we do not want a transcript of your interview; what we want is an analysis of what you learned.

So, in summary, your objective for this assignment will be to connect the dots between: (a) our class; (b) the external world, and (c) you, personally. We call this the “Learning Triangle” and will explain this framework further in class.

Important Requirement: For the New York Times “Corner Office” interview you selected to write about, please provide the website link in two places: (1) At the end of your paper; AND (2) within the body of the email when you submit it.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership & Team Building
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Leadership & Team Building
Erika James is one of the leaders of Wharton Schools at the University of Pennsylvania. Her interview is very insightful because she points out leadership activities that could help in the future work environment. I have learned that money is not the only factor that should influence an individual’s career path. What matters most is the passion that a person has for their dream job (Gelles, 2020). If an individual is passionate about their job, it will be easy for them to adapt to any company leadership changes. It is such passion that motivates an individual to become an effective leader. I have also learned that leadership is not something that can be forced on an individual. It takes a calling for an individual to make the perfect leader. Leadership roles can be associated with many challenges. If an individual is not passionate about being a leader, these challenges can result in them quitting their job position. Leadership requires an individual to put a lot of effort into seeing results. Through such effort, an individual would be able to overcome the challenges faced by leaders in different sectors. If a leader is not dedicated in their work, they can easily fail their followers. At Wharton, a New Leader Confronts the Culture Wars - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
From the interview I conducted, I learned that leadership is something inborn. People might start being leaders at an early age without them realizing that they have leadership qualities. A substantial numb...
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