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Portfolio project: Evaluation of Change Plan Management in Tesla

Essay Instructions:

Portfolio Project Option #1: Paper: Evaluation and Analysis of a Change Management Plan

For this project, you will analyze an organizational change plan. This assignment is not a research paper, but is instead an evaluation and critique of the dynamics of the components of a strategic organizational change plan of an organization of your choosing.

The Portfolio Project is designed to do two things:

Assess your understanding of how to analyze information based on an effective change implementation plan.

Evaluate your ability to write a critical analysis essay that is based on the purposeful behavior of employees and that is logical, valid, and credible.

Again, our goal here is an analysis of an effective strategic organizational change management model and not of the organization itself.


Select one of the following organizational change plan management templates as a reference for your Portfolio Project.

Organizational Change Management Plan Template (Links to an external site below in attachment.)

Instructions for Organizational Change Plan Management (Links to an external site below in attachment.)

Base your analysis on one organization from the course textbook. If you wish, you may select a different organization but you must receive instructor approval first(WE RECEIVED APPROVAL! ITS ON TESLA ! MORE INFO IN ATTACHMENT BELOW FOR THE TOPIC). The organization may be nonprofit or for profit, and may be national, international, or regional in scope. There must be a valid reason for organizational change such as: implementing an environmental sustainability plan, implementing or improving a corporate social responsibility program, or generating innovative and creative outlets that entail flattening the management structure, for example.

The audience for your analysis may be the board of directors, management, shareholders, or any group of stakeholders of your choice. Be sure to identify which audience you choose.

Include the following in your analysis:

Identify the role of strategic renewal in propelling change.

Focus on the behavioral aspect of organizational change.

Analyze the dynamics of motivating employees to alter their behaviors.

Differentiate the three faces of change: turnaround, tools and techniques, and transformation.

Understand the source of both employee resistance to and support for change.

Appreciate the importance of trigger events in initiating change efforts.

Examine the role that "going global" plays in triggering organizational change.



Your Critical Analysis Paper must:

Cite at least six scholarly sources that are not readings for this course. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find your resources.

Incorporate terms and concepts from the class readings and lecture pages.

Be 8‐10 pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages, which you must include. Be sure your paper includes a proper introduction and conclusion.

Be formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center- https://csuglobal(dot)libguides(dot)com/writingcenter/apa7_resources

Keep in mind that there are the following preliminary deliverables for this project( YOU ALREADY DID THESE ASSIGNMENTS I ATTACHED THEM BELOW WITH THE TEACHERS FEEDBACK ON ALL THE PAPERS YOU HAVE DONE THIS FAR:

Week 3: Submit topic (25 points)

Week 6: Submit Portfolio outline (25 points)

Week 7: Peer discussion of Portfolio outline (worth 25 points in discussion board)

Refer to the Portfolio Project grading rubric to understand how you will be graded. Reach out to your instructor if you have questions about the assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Portfolio project: Evaluation of Change Plan Management in Tesla
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Portfolio project: Evaluation of Change Plan Management in Tesla
The concept of change is a prevalent episode in any organization or society in general. This paper will examine Tesla Corporation and use it as a yardstick to explore change templates in implementing organizational change. The management of change is a fundamental organizational practice that propels activities and processes that facilitate the achievement of set goals, purposes, or fulfillment of specific outcomes. Having a template that acts as a blueprint for guiding and managing change is highly recommended. However, it is not a panacea to all challenges that are eminent when managing and implementing change. Various templates can be used to institute change processes and activities. A single template cannot be singly used due to the complexity and unpredictability of the change process. For an effective change management process, it could be essential to integrate a diversity of elements borrowed from different change templates to create a more holistic and optimized change template. Tesla handles the concept of change strategically by aligned it with gaps, needs, and interests.
Template of Change at Tesla
One of the critical templates of managing change includes the change proposal model or template. This template is relatively straightforward and comprehensive. It spells out the proposed change, defines the reasons behind the change, provides the intended outcomes, gives estimated duration and costs associated with change, and outlines other crucial factors that change may elicit in the organization.
Tesla is synonymous with change. Most of the time, Tesla presents projects with certain timelines that need adoption and implementation. Many would argue that Elon Musk rarely fails to meets deadlines. Currently, Tesla is performing well financially. Some of the new changes and items that might come out of Tesla include Tesla Model S Plaid Plus, Tesla Cybertruck, Tesla Semi, and Tesla Roadster, among many more! This plan illustrates a company that has a well elaborate change process, with reasons underlining change, costs, challenges, and times. With increasing the need to accept change reading electronic vehicles,Tesla’s future appears promising. Tesla Motors’ battery electric vehicles look stylish, provide an acceptable range, and boast sports car rates of acceleration, leading to increased purchases with nearly 400,000 pre-orders for the Tesla Model 3, and the mainstream market is already embracing an electric vehicle for the first time (Lambert, 2016)
Tesla has successfully packaged itself as green technology out. What is outstanding about Tesla is that it challenges the long-standing conventions or traditions in the markets. The idea that Tesla causes disruptions in the automotive and solar industries, as well s the realm of climate change shows that Tesla is an embodiment of change. The change management at Tesla is easily replicable on the template of change. Tesla’s ambitious change projects are well-proposed change, are defined by reasons behind the change, provide the intended outcomes, give estimated duration and costs associated with change, and outline other crucial factors that change may elicit in the organization. Tesla has a broad portfolio of projects ranging from solar panels, electric cars, chargeable electric batteries, and truck and public transport planned electrification changes.
Background of Tesla and its Concept of Change
Tesla is a renowned international corporation dealing in the automobile industry, with an overarching focus on electric cars. Tesla, Inc., formed in 2003 by a group of engineers in Silicon Valley and is currently led by its chief executive officer, Elton Musk., who is a prominent American entrepreneur (Bilbeisi & Kesse, 2017). Their goal was to create zero-emission electric cars better than gasoline automobiles by electric cars. Tesla is not just an automaker but also a technology company with a focus on energy innovation.
Tesla is an internationally recognized motor corporation that is adopting a change in involving electric cars. For various reasons, Tesla is adopting a paradigm shift in manufacturing vehicles amidst new regulations on safety, dynamic customer expectations, technological growth and development, and environmental concerns. In its attempts to implement the electric car model concept, Tesla finds itself in a wave of challenges. Organizations such as Tesla will change their activities and the organizational culture due to advancements in technology, changing the production approaches, shifting customer patterns, the economic changes, and changing the business world that continue to compel the organization to change their actions (Hashim, 2013). Thus, a company such as Tesla should examine its change process by looking at change templates that can espouse its ideas on change and problems associated with organizational changes in operational activities and processes.
With its palpable presence in the market, Tesla oozes a strong sense of agility and versatility. The contemporary, traditional market is substantially comparative. A new entrant in this market would find it challenging to succeed. However, Tesla has different management, ideology, marketing to the market place and management of its change processes. Tesla overcomes conventional problems by adopting an online strategy and vehicle’s IT-connected system. It enhanced the integration of technology, where the primary firm acquired solar panel and installing firms, and its projection to manage consumers created understanding (Kim, 2020).
Tesla took unprecedented moves to implement radical changes in its motor industry. Its actions, beliefs, and commitment to paradigm changes are equally puzzling and surprising to many investors, who doubted Tesla's ambitious, innovative projects. Many people would have demonstrated resistance to Tesla’s innovative moves. However, it must be noted that resistance to change is part of the change process. Many Tesla ideas could be dismissed as mere impossibilities. However, with its underlying reasons for change and deep conviction, Tesla is cognizant of the existing genuine problem that is causing current and future challenges in terms of climate change and depletion of resources such as oil.
The management of change at Tesla could not be effective without the robust and aggressive efforts from Tesla’s CEO. Without strong leadership, handling change is quite a daunting task for many people. A leader is an agent of change. This trait precisely defines who Elon Musk is. He incredible fights off the resistance that was threatening Tesla's ambitious program relating to innovative changes, as occasioned by societal and environmental needs. Tesla went out of its way to develop crucial collaborative partnerships between government agencies, international partners, and other private companies to seek support in implementing such drastic changes in its motor innovations. Private investors such as Daimler and Mercedes engineers laid the good ground for Tesla to assume its change management trajectory.
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The innovative change at Tesla is driven by the desire t...
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